Monday, October 31, 2011

Pretty in zinc

Galvanized Vintage Double Bucket with Handle

Wish I knew why
I love this stuff.


What is it about that cool gray 
zinc or galvanized metal 
that warms my heart?

This zinc table used to be available at Wisteria. Still love it.

Zinc Console Lamp
Great zinc lamp.    Source

Great planters.    Source

Reproduction Architectural French Mirror.    Source

Is it because 
I grew up on a farm
and this unpretentious,
 no frills, no fuss, gray metal 
reminds me 
of my happy childhood?

It's plain and simple
yet with time
its patina gets better and better.

Round Zinc Table with Urn Pedestal
I really want one of these!   Source

Whatever the case,

I just know
it all.

Do you?

French Zinc Architraving Moulding Mirror

For the source of the first photo 
link here 

Happy Hauntings

This old vintage tattered lunch pail
became our Halloween treat box last year.
(Now you know why I have had vintage lunch boxes on the brain.
 See yesterday's post.)

My two sisters and I loved watching
The Munsters 
when we were kids
and when I saw this last year,
 it totally reminded me
 of Herman.

So I grabbed a paintbrush
and some silver paint
and made it official.

What is your all time
most favorite candy?

 Happy Halloween Friends!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Do you remember?

When you were little 

can you tell me ....

what lunch box you carried

  to school each day?

Maybe you had 
a different one each year?

Take a look 
at the ones I remembered
(enough to find every image below!)
and see if maybe they 
  jog your memory?

My sister Susan carried this one.

Captain Kangaroo!


 I carried this one for a couple years. Thought for sure I would marry David someday.

Sing it with me.... "H.R. Puffinstuff, whatcha do when things get rough?....."   LOL!

Hey, hey we're the Monkey's, and people say we monkey around!

I used to write fan letters to Jan. We are both middle children and I felt like I "got her"!!!!! Hahaha!

Yabadabadoo! It's lunchtime!

Creepy little guys....never got the connection to their popularity really!

"Come and  listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed...."

"Warning! Warning! Enemy approaching! Danger Will Robinson!"

Twinkie the Kid? Never saw this one!

Some of these just cracked me UP!!!

This big head is so scary, I think I would have lost my appetite looking at him.

THIS is what I carried. I loved Bobby and share the same birthdate! Can you believe I married a guy whose last name is Sherman? Now that's destiny. LOL

My brother-in-law said he was too cool to carry a tin box so he carried this.