

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Screened Door Pantry

This is our kitchen pantry.

And this is the photo that inspired the
use of a screen door pantry! 
(Taken from a House Beautiful book.)

I saved this photo in my files forever with
hopes that one day I could make this work
when we redid the old kitchen.

So when it came time for the actual
renovation, I went shopping for an
interesting old screen door with some
charm and character.

(I am so sorry now
that I did not take a photo of the door
when I found it. It had no bottom
panel and was in pritt-eee bad shape. I did not
know then I would be a blogger!)

What a great pic that would have been.
I bought it from one of my favorite
antique dealers, Joan, and would love to have
photographed her with the door in her booth 
that fateful day at the flea market.

(BTW, Joan also has a fantastic blog and a great Etsy shop....
visit her at

Here are some additional photos of pantry screen doors.

Country Living Magazine

Apartment Therapy

 Someone recently emailed me and asked 
what the inside of the pantry looks like!
It is not very exciting, trust me. 
More functional than pretty.
Come on inside....

A cute door handle from Hobby Lobby. Super chippy paint now black.

Don, my angelic contractor added a new beadboard panel where there was none!

Great big ol' new clock from Target ---- until I can find an affordable old one!

Deep shelves to the left hold all my appliances. New schoolhouse lights above.

Vintage flip top bin for hiding 20 lb. dog food bags!

More pull out storage on right with a wine cooler below...  it came with the house.
Heavy duty steel roll out shelving from Lowe's was a perfect solution.
Painted wood brackets from Restorer's Catalog for holding tarnished silver! Oops.
I'm only sorry we haven't added a spring to close it. I would like it to BANG shut!

Please feel free to ask any questions as
I am always happy to share stories or sources!


  1. I love everything about your kitchen. I mean eeeevrything! If I could re-do mine, it would be the mirror image of yours, but I can't so were off to look at new granite to try and lighten things up a bit, so I am not complaining.

  2. Your kitchen is really lovely and the screen door is a great idea...very cool looking, too. I have heard of Joan's blog and shop. I would love to have a pantry to tuck away all those small appliances that take up cabinet and counter space. I know it is all supposed to be about organization, but how to you stack a square toaster on a round crockpot...and my food processor is the worst! I really wish I had the room!!

    Have a great weekend! :-)


  3. Love the screen door for the pantry! Such a great idea. Your kitchen is beautiful!

  4. A screened door is a delight wherever it is located. Years ago friends used to make fun of me and my screened doors - they had all put in storm doors but, there is nothing like the sound of a screened door slamming shut! Love your pantry, the screened door looks alot like the one on my front entry.
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  5. O-M-G!!! Love,love,love that old door to your pantry!! I am so envious of your fabulous pantry since I don't have one of my own to spruce up! LOL...Love the basket for storing dog food too....gotta keep those pooches happy :o)Have a great weekend!

  6. Alison, I love the screened door on your nice and neat pantry. Nobody would want to see the inside of my little pantry closet.

  7. Love your screen door! I remember that photo in HB years ago and I thought it was wonderful also!

    Your home is beautiful!! Absolutely lovely!
    It is so nice to meet you.


  8. The screen door is perfect for your kitchen! The only thing that would make it better is like you said, for it to bang shut. I love the shape of it. And your pantry is not only utilitarian but pretty to look at!

  9. Love the screen door. What a fabulous find with the curved top. Beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  10. The screen door is a great idea to add one more accent to your beautiful kitchen. I'm struggling to pull my bedroom together - do you have pictures of your bedrooms to share with us? I'm sure they are just as wonderful as the rest of your house. Sally

  11. Love your kitchen and the great pantry with the screen door. The rounded top is so unusual. Oh, to have those nice shelves for large items. I'd hate for you to see my "pantry". It's in the furnace room. No chance for a screen door on that, but I'll dream of yours. Have a great weekend.

  12. Alison,

    I had the same picture from House Beautiful in my idea file! Your pantry is gorgeous. I prefer your door to inspiration door. My pantry is very similar to yours- I also used beadboard.Love the handle and the clock looks great.


  13. I love it! I have been trying to come up with an idea for my pantry. I have an antique wrought iron door that may work. Thanks for the idea!

  14. This is wonderful I don't think I have ever seen a screened door used in this way and it is very charming as well as practical. So cleaver!

  15. It's a heck of a lot more organized than MY pantry. Not going there :-) We have a regular door for ours, but I absolutely LOVE your idea. Hmmm.. maybe I can convince the Mr.

  16. I love the idea of a screened door on a walk in pantry. It's on my wish list! I have saved a great photo of a screen door on a linen closet, too. You can see this gorgeous stack of quilts and blanket through the screen. Of course they are stacked perfectly and look wonderful!

    Love your pantry and pull out shelving from Lowe's. I need to remember that one!

  17. I would love to feature your kitchen on my blog "It's a Wannabe Decorator's life" Once a week, I pick a few blogs that have completely knocked my socks off and let my readers know about it! I call it "You'll Fall in Love With...." It will generate good traffic for you and let others feast on your eye candy of a kitchen!!! Erin

  18. Love that screen door. Your pantry is so organized. Love the bead board and clock.. such a great look

  19. Alison, I am so glad I found your blog. Your house is beautiful and full of so much history. You've done a wonderful job blending its past life into the present. I am happily a new follower!
    Jodie the nest eclectic

  20. Love the screen door. I just helped a friend decorate/build her new home using lots of salvaged items. We used an old green screen door for her pantry with an old enamel bread sign attached to the door is great as yours is is something about a screened door that makes me think about my childhood in Louisiana...I am a new follower and a new blogger. Visit me sometimes, comment and follow if you like. Thanx for sharing, Tiff

  21. I love the screen door. I would not be able to keep my pantry clean enough! It always looks like a hurricane was inside.

  22. I love everything about your pantry, the door, the handle, the clock, the BASKET.

    I really really love the bird pics.. are those antiques?

  23. Hi Alison! Your blog is wonderful!!! And the barn/house you live in is gorgeous!!! I went back and looked at your kitchen redo and all I can say is WOW!

    So nice to meet you on Sat ~

    :) T

  24. So pretty! It was so nice to meet you this weekend! Your home is gorgeous! I want to see more pictures!

  25. If there is one perfect memory I have, it is of slamming screen doors at summer camp. If I ever have a kitchen with a pantry door, it will be a screen one...that slams!

  26. I think I love your pantry screen door the best, Alison! I love a rounded top door.

  27. Wow this is really an awesome blog about Pantry Doors. Thanks!


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