

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

North Camp Views

We have been going 
to the
Northwoods of Wisconsin
since our children 
were little.


I am not sure 
by exact definition
what geographical area
makes up the "Northwoods"
but in my mind...
"up north" is where the
white birch trees intermingle
with long needle pines
along the shores of acres and acres
of pristine lakes.

My favorite fishing spot, a lazy river full of rainbow trout.

Our favorite places to stay 
is any cabin situated on this specific chain of ten lakes
which are conveniently connected by small passages.

One of the passages from lake to lake. (Small two lane bridge overhead)

It is heavenly.
A quiet, simple lifestyle. 

Early morning fishing.

Love waking up to this!

Getting away from it all
for one week every summer 
is just what the doctor ordered.

Mr. PH

more laughing...
... and at night,

the sounds
of kids laughing over
board games and puzzles,
card decks shuffling.
(Give or take some sibling arguments in there!)

Our trip is always towards the end
of the summer and I must 
try hard not 
to wish the time away
until we can be there.... once again.

They looks miseable, don't they? Mine are on the far left and far right.

If you are lucky enough
to have a cabin on a lake
somewhere... you are blessed!

Enjoy your lakeside haven.

It is certainly one of life's
simple pleasures. 

He watched me fish one day.... kind of nerve-racking. Was afraid he may swoop down on something I might catch!

Can't get back there quick enough.  :)


  1. What a beautiful place. xo, Ron

  2. Oh, you are making me long to escape to the Northwoods. This lakeside living looks tempting. We have often escaped to CO in the summer, but I like this idea. Cute kids, Alison! Glad your family had a fun time making memories. Families laughing and playing cards and board games. That's the way a summer vacation should be. ~ Sarah

  3. I love this. I love the whole idea of it. A lovely escape for a week. A chance to lose yourself in the wonderful 'nothingness' of vacations. It's so good for families to connect in this way, and especially in such a beautiful spot. I'm ready to pack my bags right now.

  4. Oh what a beautiful area. Looks like everyone was having such a great time and super memories too. Hugs, Marty

  5. That would be so relaxing for a week.

  6. Lucky us. We got to share all that beauty with you. Many thanks for posting such happy and serene moments

  7. What a beautiful spot! I'm glad you got away and enjoyed your vacation. Your kids are beautiful too. :) I love the last picture of the sunset sky on the water. Hugs, Pamela

  8. What a wonderful place. Love Wisconsin!

  9. oh the beauty of it all... amazing!

  10. OMG, this is gorgeous! What a fabulous place to enjoy some r&r with your family. I want to go!

  11. Lovely, just lovely! The photographs are lovely, too. nice information in a nice setting.

  12. Alison,
    That lake and surrounding beauty is what I think of when I think of summer. How fun, enjoy!

  13. So pretty! I wish I could spend a few days there! I could use some relaxation. You are blessed.

  14. Made me relax just reading about it. I could even smell the smell when I saw the picture of the pines and birch.


  15. Perfect place for a family vacation and making wonderful memories. Your children are adorable.

  16. Hey- Where are you up here again? I know you told me one time. Great lake that you are on. We have been busy and not really enjoyed our lake side view very much this summer.

    I can almost hear your kids giggling in the background...blessings- xo Diana

  17. This brings back fond memories. My SIL and her hubby had a time share and every year we would go with them on a vaction to a different spot and MANY of them were on a lake somewhere. Delicious!!! Gorgeous views and lots of fun. We need to do that again sometime. Looks like you have found a PERFECT spot. XO, Pinky

  18. How beautiful, Alison! The Northwoods are so lovely, I can see why you go back each year!

  19. Hi Alison, It was a little vacation just seeing your lovely photos. Enjoy every minute. My favorite sound is hearing my kids laughing together. Now that they're grown, and their time together is rare, they still talk about those vacations. Love, Penny

  20. How gorgeous!...I could sit out there all day and just enjoy the lake and its serenity. Such a great place to escape and recharge your batteries!

  21. We don't have a special vacation spot like yours, but I wish we did!

  22. Hi! Alison,

    Sounds like you all had a great vacation. Northwoods looks a bit like some of our area.

    Our home has a view of the lake.... just a 3 minute walk to enjoy fishing, boating & swimming. The seasons are breathtaking with nature at it's best. We are truly blessed and grateful!

    I think it is in our DNA to connect with Mother it keeps us grounded. An organic way to recharge our batteries ;o) The smiles on the kids faces say it all. Love it!

    Thank you! so much for sharing your joy.

    Blessings & Hugs,

  23. I had to call my husband into the room when I saw your pictures of the lake and the floating dock. It looks so much like our weekend getaway on the lake in New York. I completely understand why you love going there! We had a moose in our backyard two years ago. Enjoy Alison!

  24. I look at your great photos and can almost smell the pine. I am a Michigan girl and we still travel to Harbor Springs every summer where I used to go as a kid. What memories and what fun you brought back to me just looking at your photos. The difference is your darling children are still with you. Ours have left the nest! Enjoy them every minute Alison. Life goes so fast. I couldn't agree more about enjoying the simple life!!! Love it.

  25. That is a beautiful place. Wonderful getaway...

  26. How beautiful! one of Gods many splendors! I would never want to come home.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  27. This is my kind of vacation! I love your peaceful pics and those great kids!
    Lots of family time and relaxing and fun... I'm sure!

  28. Alison, this looks like the perfect respite! Your children are as gorgeous as you!!!! What a fun time you must have had and I would be eager to get back there each year, too.

    Makes me want a getaway!


  29. Alison...what a DREAM! I have been sick for the last 4 days in bed, feeling crummy but have been dreaming of a wonderful fact we are supposed to go to Maine which I hope will materialize and it has a simliar vibe. What a wonderful serene relaxing place!! Enjoy.
    PS Your kids are darling:)

  30. Wow, Alison ... what an incredible spot to vacation! I can only imagine the memories you all have made there through the years. It looks so peaceful. Your kiddos are precious, too!

  31. That potted plants are cool; they remind me of my bonsais in my garden. Anyway, they are excellent as indoor plants.

  32. Fascinating! It's so beautiful place to enjoy beautiful moments.


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