

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't forget ... Favorite Recipes on the First!

Now friends...
please don't forget,
August 1st 
is slowly creeping up on us
and will be here before
we even know it!

Pink vodka lemonade from Pinterest

Pesto paninis from Pinterest

Lemonade cake from Pinterest

Remember last month?
July 1st totally snuck up on me
and I missed my Favorites on the First
post until late
the night of the second, thanks
to some sweet nudges from 
blogging buddies!

Italian meatballs from Pinterest

Well, that's summer for you...
leisurely distractions throwing
you off your game, right?

So this is just a friendly reminder
to get your favorite recipe or recipes
together to share on the first, ok?

Hoping my friend Yvonne at StoneGable will come by and share one of her infamous delectable recipes with us !

I am working on mine this week.
Haven't decided what I will be sharing just yet!

But to get your creative
"juices" flowing ---
 take a look at 
all these images from Pinterest.
Wow. They sure look amazing!

A calorie-free appetizer.... jk, jk! Pinterest

See you soon,
on the first for some
recipe swapping!


Shrimp and grilled yellow squash from Pinterest

(The top photo was a blackberry cheesecake from Pinterest.)


  1. Not good that I am now famished for a full course meal at not even 6am Allison!!!!!! I am actually making Yvonnes tomato tarts today....they look heavenly.
    Love every single item you chose here!!

  2. I have read several posts this morning discussing food and now I am getting hungry! So many of those dishes look so good. Have a great day!

  3. I sure hope I remember to link up! I would love to join your party. Thanks for the reminder...

  4. I'm hungry just looking at the recipes! Want to try the tomatoe tart today. Hope you are having a good summer. We've been preparing to sell our home. Big job to sell a farm, but can downsize to our log cabin on another farm. Lots to do!!!

  5. WOW, those photos look delish! What a fun party, great idea....can't wait! xo ~Liz

  6. i don't do recipes. can i do a recipe for cleaning jewelry - like i learned at Tiffany's or can i write a summary of how to write a story. i don't cook and recipes make me run for the hills! what?

  7. Thanks for the very very nice shout out, Alison!
    I just put the 1st on my calendar! Cooking up great ideas to join in the fun!
    Does your linky go up the evening of the 31st or is it the 1st!
    Looking forward to all the creative culinary talent!

  8. I sure will try but it may not be as delicious as the ones you showed. Mine maybe on the healthy side:)


  9. Too bad not one of those pictures looked appetizing to me. NOT! I could lick the screen.


  10. I think Yvonne could just fill the whole party with her recipes!!!! I will come up with something. I just made a recipe from Pinterest the other night and it was GREAT so that may be it. Thanks for the reminder:) XO, Pinky

  11. Wow that food looks fantastic..!!...Off to get my pizza!
    Will be joining you on the first (with something better than pizza!)....Have a great week!

  12. Alison,
    My stomach is growling just looking at some of these recipes. I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with a favorite for summer.

  13. I will have to remember to whip out my cook book and share one!

  14. Ok, I am seriously wanting to dry one of those pink lemonade vodkas! I will have to pull out some of my momma's recipes. It would be to honor her as the 1 year anniversary of her passing is August 3. She would like that.

    Alison, my email is
    I'd leave my address here, but would rather give it to you via an email. My husband loves that wicker bottle!!!


  15. OMGOODNESS! I am drooling into my keyboard here in the motel room! xo Diana

  16. I could eat my weight in that shrimp. Well, maybe not. I sure love shrimp though.
    Hugs, Ginger

  17. Will start thinking of what to share. Aug. 1st will be here in no time........Sarah

  18. Hi! Alison,

    Omg! soooooo yummy. Those photos are goodies. Love them all!

    Thanks! for hosting & sharing.

    Have a beautiful weekend!

    Blessings & Hugs,


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