Went to the local
flea market this morning
and paid the
early bird entry fee
to avoid the extreme midday heat
we have been having.
it was just as hot at 8 am
as it was at noon.
The heat must have kept
away a lot of
the regular vendors this month.
It was "slim pickings"
for sure today.
This early bird
found no worms.
But I did
get this old rusty
Mason jar caddy.
Brought it home and filled it
with white hydrangeas
that are bravely managing the
scorching hot sun this week.
Hoping for a predicted
thunderstorm this evening!
Which reminds me...
take a look at the clouds
that passed over our house
last week.
Such odd formations.
Have never seen anything like
them, have you?
They were moving and swirling
like a bubbling cauldron.
They were surreal.
(These photos don't even do them justice.)
And can you believe it.... they didn't leave us a single raindrop! |
Thanks for stopping by.
Hope this finds you
enjoying your weekend.
Stop by again
in a few days...
I have a giveaway
coming up for all of
my wonderful
followers very soon!
I like your mason jars and caddy. It is so hot here in SC too! I am hoping for some rain too, but so far no luck.
I never saw clouds like that before either, so amazing.
Have a great weekend.
What beautiful sky! and the flowers in the blue jars is so pretty!!
Absolutely beautiful blue and white center piece..Great gray clouds. Thanks.
Well, I like the rusty old carrier that you found...sorry it was a crummy showing all the way around.
Those clouds are AMAZING! Does anyone else see the face in that first photo? Beautiful!!! xo Diana
I want this caddy! I think finding it just about made the trip worthwhile, don't you think? Our white hydrangeas (and pink ones for that matter) are doing so poorly! Yours look great. The clouds are indeed surreal....we saw some incredible ones at the beach on vacation all last week. Sigh. Back to reality!
Love how the caddy looks with the flowers. They probably have a better chance of survival cut and in water in the house than outside in the heat.
I think that is a great find! Love it with the white hydrangeas. As for the clouds....I saw clouds like that all bubbly and bumpy before my home town got hit by a tornado. I have seen them several other times when tornadoes were about. They are the only kind of clouds that make me uneasy.
Alison, those are awesome cloud photos. Love the aqua Mason jars. I have a few of these that I use on the sun porch for summer months. Love the cool refreshing color. ;-)
Sorry the pickings were slim. My stop at GW this afternoon was the same. Need to plan a visit to my favorite thrifts this next week. ~ Sarah
I'm not sure which is prettier...the jars, the clouds or the hydrangeas?
The blue jars are getting harder to find...popular items for decorating.
I have my own set of jars and I love them, too! That caddy is unique... I've never seen one with that shape before. We've got thunder boomers rolling in just this morning, so we'll see what happens. I want a break from watering the garden everyday!
I love your caddy! Yes the clouds come and no rain too, here in S IL
Wow, scary looking clouds, Alison. We are supposed to get rain as well, which we desperately need. Our heatwave is supposed to break today so we will have more normal temps this week. I hope so. We had the same here ~ the morning felt just as hot so there was no benefit to try to do anything early to beat the heat.
Love your caddy & the blue jars! Sending our rain your way...
I love seeing cloud shots like that. I take them all the time when things look strange. Nice caddy.
Those clouds are kind of sinister looking! And your photos are awesome. I confess, I am in competition with you for the blue jars in northern Illinois! I snatch them right up at flea markets whenever I see them at a good price. Now if I could only find some of the old zinc lids! Enjoy the cooler weather today!
Gorgeous shots of those clouds Alison, I love pics like that! Love those mason jars and caddy too! The white hydrangeas look beautiful. Have a great week and stay cool!
Your hydrangeas look beautiful in the mason jars. I had a caddy just like that one, but I sold it. Great shots of the clouds. Hope you get some rain.
Looks like tornado weather. Seriously! Your jar display is very pretty!
Your flowers look beautiful in the aqua mason jars. That was a great find!
Those clouds look very eerie!
loving the look of those blue beauties in their new digs.
i also did a photo shoot of those clouds. i was just mesmerized and telling God how awesome he was. never seen anything like those before!
smiles to you, lovely blogger.
Wonderful use of those darling blue mason jars. I'm sure the hydrangeas loved it. We too are waiting with baited breath for a drop of rain. We've had sweltering heat for too long now. There is rain predicted for today, so sitting with fingers crossed.
Wow, what GREAT photos of those awesome clouds, I'm sure it was surreal in person. I have never seen anything quite like that before either. Thanks for sharing.
Alison, Awesome cloud formations...and a bit unsettling. Gorgeous photos. Bet the local tv weather person would love them, too.
LOL they always show weather photos on our stations. Your hydrangeas are holding up well. We've lost one hydrangea, which has been struggling for a couple of years, and one of our knock out roses is dying. Hope rain comes your way..and ours, with NO bad storms.
I love caddies- they are so useful for so many things. Your hydrangeas are gorgeous! We've had crazy clouds but with loads of rain. I'm a fan of photographing them, too. It's so hot and humid that we can't see out the windows, but I prefer it to the drought we had last year!
I love your aqua mason jars in the holder. I have a holder too and jars. Hmmm.... Those clouds are really wierd. Great photos of them. I hope you get your rain! Blessings, Pamela
The heat is a killer there too....103 this afternoon...but feels hotter!...Glad you found that great caddy!...and those clouds...magnificent...yet, a tad frightening at the same time...cannot believe you did not get any rain from them!!....We are praying for some rain tonight...!
Love the beautiful arrangement in the caddy...the beauty of it takes your mind off the heat!
Oh my goodness, that cloud formation is very exceptionally interesting!!!
Love the jars filled with hydrangeas!
The cloud formations are really beautiful! No, I've never seen anything like them! I passed on our antique market this morning. I've got so much furniture to paint, I had better take care of all the goodies in my work room, before buying more!
Run, Run, Run! Get into the basement! Tornadoes don't always bring rain. Seriously, I know absolutely nothing about tornadeos. I would have still headed for the basement. So glad you are OK!
The mason jars and caddy are soooooo cool. Don't know what you had to pay to get in but I think it was worth it.
Have a great week, Ginger:)
I sure would like a jar caddy! I didn't even know I wanted one till I saw your post, Alison!
Those clouds remind me of tornado clouds! Very odd! Or maybe there were aliens up there!!!
Those clouds remind me of tornado clouds! Very odd! Or maybe there were aliens up there!!!
Love the look of the hydrangea with the caddy...so lovely! Your cloud photos are wonderful, Alison...I am SO glad the extreme heat has broken here finally!
The rusty caddy is great with the ever-lovely mason jars, and your hydrangea, I'm so jealous. :-)
The cloud image reminded me of an explosion you might see in a movie, but in black and white. Surprising there was no rain associated with it.
Hi Alison,
I love your blue mason jars filled with your gorgeous hydrangeas!!
And those clouds are amazingly beautiful!!!
When I lived in the South, I would see clouds like that every once in a while. I really miss all of those great thunderstorms.
Unfortunately, we don't see clouds like that here in So Cal.
Wishing you a lovely week!
Nope those clouds were definitely odd and ominous! Did they ever rain or storm, too? Your mason jars are turquoise!!! Did you see my post today about seeing turquoise everywhere I turn? hahaha. Beautiful with white hydrangeas (my most favorite flower).
HI! I have read your blog for a while and really like what I see! The caddy is an old canning basket that you filled with jars, put in boiling water and when ready, pulled it up to hook on the top of the canning pot.I absolute love this and your ideas! Wishing for rain in Indiana:)
HI! I have read your blog for a while and really like what I see! The caddy is an old canning basket that you filled with jars, put in boiling water and when ready, pulled it up to hook on the top of the canning pot.I absolute love this and your ideas! Wishing for rain in Indiana:)
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