Saturday, December 31, 2011

Pennsylvania for the Holidays

Beautiful round red barn in Pennsylvania

Have been back home for the holidays --
in Pennsylvania, but will
 drive back to Illinois tomorrow.
Have been having a great time 
catching up with my family. 

We play lots of games 
and get really silly.

Is your family a game playing bunch?


We love to play "spoons" 
and this year,
we also played two new store-bought games:
"What?" and "Logos."
Both were lots of fun!

My sister, Susan, bought us all
fake moustaches from the dollar store 
which we all wore and laughed until 
we cried with them.


(Would have shared the photos
but there were many taken
and I would need to get permission
to publish some of nieces and nephews 
images on the web so I better not!)

Wanted to wish you all
a healthy and prosperous
and to remind you
one more time
about the 
Favorites on the First 
Linky Party!

Theme this month will be your favorite COLLECTION!

Write a new post on your favorite
link up an older one
and join in on the Linky Party
 on the First with me.

Midnight champagne for the New
Cheers to you my friends! 

Thanks so much in advance~
Happy New Year!

(Photos from Pinterest)

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Holiday Traditions in Chicago

Chicago is a great city 
to visit during the holidays.
Lots to see and do.

My daughter and I have a tradition
for the last five years now,
that we go to the city on Christmas Eve's
eve and spend the day (and night) running around
shopping and taking in all of the holiday sites.

We get up the next morning, 
make a few more stops,
 then grab some lunch 
and make it back home on Christmas Eve
just in time to start dinner 
and make it to church services!

Wanted to share our great windy city
with you, all decked out for the holidays!

This was the Water Tower two nights ago.

And this was the Lego version at Water Tower Place! It was about six feet tall.

Drove by the skaters at Millenium Park
but didn't have time to stop and skate.  :(

Here is a view at night with the Michigan Avenue buildings as a back drop.

We made our annual stop to see
 the gorgeous old Marshall Field's 
flagship store on State Street, 
now a Macy's.  :(

 (Sorry, not a fan --- of Macy's.)

Brunch under "the tree"  in The Walnut Room at the old Marshall Field's store.
Checked out the themed holiday windows along State Street.
Love Field's landmark clock has been helping Chicagoans keep time since 1897,
Made sure we looked up to take in the glass tiled mosaic ceiling that Louis Tiffany designed for the flagship store.

This year
we did not get a chance 
to stop by the ChristkindlMarkt 
in the heart of the city. So much fun! 
The market runs an entire month  
and for an hour or so you would
swear you are in Bavaria! 
Good food, cold beer, lively music
 and lovely European gifts.

Looking down onto the market from a building above.

 Charming booths and many vendors selling their old world wares.

Not enough hours in our day
for a trip to the Art Institute.
Love the lions and their pretty collars
in December.

We did swing by Navy Pier 
which extends out into Lake Michigan
where they host the
Winter WonderFest 
indoor carnival and holiday festival.

On Saturday morning we had the most gorgeous clear blue sky! (Navy Pier entrance)

Then we hit our favorite lunch spot, Wishbone, before heading home!  Yum! Must eat there!

My son met us there! An unexpected holiday surprise! :)

It was an action-packed 24 hours,
and we all had a wonderful Christmas too.

Hope your weekend was a great one.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Santa Claus is coming to town

Santa Claus is coming to town!

When I was little
my grandmother gave me a little
Japanese battery-operated lantern
in the shape of a Santa.

On Christmas Eve
I would sit it next to my bed
and turn it on in anticipation
of Santa's arrival that night.

That was a long time ago.
Not sure what happened 
to my little Santa lantern,
but was able to replace it ---
thanks Ebay! 

I also found two other similar ones....
so now I have a little set of three.
(The one in the foreground has a celluloid head, 
 and is not glass like the other two.)
It's much older dating back to the 1930's. 

Are you ready for Santa?

Merry Christmas. May all your holiday wishes come true!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Evergreen Urns and One of Your Collections

We have had a very mild November.

Not many cold days at all. 
Now we are
nearing the end of December,
and it has been mild as well.
This is not your usual winter in Chicago!

So as you can see,
the ground is brown and most of our mulch
was blown away with the fallen leaves last month.

Here is the grand-daddy urn near the driveway.

This is a small urn along the path to the back door.

Two horsehead posts flank the main sidewalk.

Ok, now to move on to some
business matters. 

This is a reminder.....
for my second 
 linky party!
You are invited to attend.

 So on January 1st,
the theme will be

So just create a post 
or link up to an older post
where you share 
a collection of something!

It will be New Year's Day 
so maybe just link up 
an older post
if that's easier.
(That way you can plant yourself
in front of a football game
instead of the computer if that's your plan?!)

Just PLEASE join me!
 Last month was a big flop.
I did not remind and advertise enough!
(Bear with me.)

Hope you will come by and link up!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Galvanized Love

Found this old galvanized
olive picking basket
from one of my favorite antique
dealers last month.

Have you ever seen anything like it?

Not sure if it is from our country
or could it be an import?
Let me know if you know something about it!

Thought it might be fun 
by the door with some
logs and lights and pine branches 
for the season.

Love the patina and the rust.
Don't you?

I should have bought more of these!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holiday Mantel and Staircase

Hi there!
Thanks for popping by today.

Still tweaking things here
and was thinking about
how December allows us 
so many visual reasons 
to share 
with blogging friends,
doesn't it? 

In our home,
like many of your homes,
we have holiday traditions and routines
for making everything 
look festive
for family and friends.

(But before all the trimmings are up.... 
there is an invasion of  
plastic storage bins around here!
If you stack them up high enough, 
you can create a walled corridor!
Yes, there are THAT many.
Do you have the same
thing at your house?
Embarrassing! )

My favorite vintage ornament. A Santa head as big as an apple!

Still have lots to share
and may run out of days 
before the 25th

Vintage and antique postcards hang on the tree. My daughter added clear glitter
to them for some sparkle and then added vintage tinsel pipe cleaners for hanging them.

Gotta go!
Santa  called and is
having a problem with
stocking stuffers....
needs some suggestions!

Stay warm~

Linking up with
