

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snowglobe like never before!

Can you stand it?
My friend Jenn, 
also my business partner
as many of you know.... 
is about to become
famous with this unreal snowglobe
 she made for me. 
Is this cute or WHAT?

She made two different versions 
in old vintage gumball machines 
and this one came home with me!

Isn't it amazing?

It knocked my socks off....literally!

"Thanks for the gumball!"
(Does anyone out there remember
that old commercial too?)

Oops. I am dating myself.

Here is the link
for the commercial. 
I cannot believe I found it!


  1. Oh my goodness....sooooo cute! I can see why it knocked your socks off!

  2. It truly is magical! Just perfect for the holidays! Happy holidays!!! ♥

  3. I just found your blog on the sidebar of SSS. What a beautiful home you have created. and I love the gift your friend gave you. I also liked seeing the plaid lunch boxes -I had one of those -wish I still had and I got a kick out of the commercial.-I remember it :-)" Buy more gumballs" Thanks for the delightful post.

  4. This is just the cutest snowglobe I've ever seen.


  5. wonderful! now that is a great friend!

  6. Very clever, they will be everywhere, soon. Wish she could patient it. Richard from MYHH

  7. This is too cute! I can see why you love it!


  8. Amazing and so creative! Love it, and can see why you were excited about it!

  9. Some people really have vision! Love this.....

  10. Love the snowglobe and, yes, I do remember that commercial! Of course, I never would have remembered it without your link. Thanks for sharing it.

  11. What a perfect idea... love the little deer~

  12. This is so wonderful! As I sit here at the computer everyday I see the gumball machine from my inlaw's old grocery store. I believe it will become a snow globe soon. Great idea - thanks for sharing. Sally

  13. Darling! Lucky you! {I want one!}

  14. That is so sweet! Great idea.

  15. How cute I want a gumball machine now!!! I love the deer where did you find it he is too cute

  16. Very clever. Why can't I ever think of things like this??? The possibilities are ENDLESS!

  17. What a great idea--so cute!! (BTW, I had that bottom lunch box as a child...) :)

  18. Wow! That is so creative. I don't remember that commercial.

  19. soooooo cute. and now you've got me wondering how one's socks are LITERALLY KNOCKED OFF cuz that is a funny image you created right there! hA!


  20. Wow! 1972! The commercial looks like it was made in the '50's! I don't remember the commercial, but that was the year I graduated from high school, so I'm sure I had many more important things to think about! Ha!

    The gum all snow globe is wonderful!! I'm not too good at reading lips, but I think the reindeer is saying "please, let me out!"

  21. I love it. How "out of the box thinking" is that?! I just saw a great little red gumball machine at the antique mall...may have to go back and snatch it up! Really, really love yours!

  22. Oh, I just watched the video...I acutally had the Mickey Mouse gumball machine...I still remember pulling the lever! Thank you for sharing that and for the walk down memory lane. I think we are the same "date" lol

  23. It knocked my socks off too. LOVE it! Love the little reindeer and bottle brush trees. Oh,so cute!

  24. Isn't it great to have such creative FRIENDS!! Very cool snow globe.
    And yes i do remember that commercial. My sister and i say that line all the time to each other...."Thanks for the gum ball popeye!"

  25. Alison, this is the cutest idea I've seen in a long time. How original! Knocked my socks off too. Looks perfect sitting beside your plaid lunch boxes. ;-)
    Happy Holidays! ~ Sarah

  26. That is the neatest thing I have seen in a long time, I would bring it home too!!!! Love it! What a great friend and partner. XO, Pinky

  27. Wow, I Looooove that! It is adorable. What a great, one of a kind snow globe! Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!!

  28. I think this is right up there with the best globe ever! How creative! I'll be on the hunt for a gum ball machine now. Love the lunch boxes too. Have a great holiday season, Laura

  29. I have one of those vintage gumball machines in red. It never occurred to me to turn it into a snow globe. My use for it is very uncreative - it's sits on our kitchen counter and is full of gumballs. Go figure........

  30. Oh my goodness! I in love! I have a red one right now! I wonder if I can do this?! hmmmm.

  31. Oh my!! I love your new gift; what a wonderful and creative friend! And, that commercial made my day. I remember that one... the 70's were the best times ever!


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