Little by little
the interior seasonal decor
is falling into place.
The painted buffet in the kitchen across from the table. |
The buffet features our special guest, "Bob" |
An old leather double Thermos bottle box, with two English collar boxes and a pair of antique copper lusterware pitchers. |
Wire obelisk shaped candle holders given to me years ago by my sister Tara! |
But I have a question for you.
Now that you are blogging...
do you find yourself
under more pressure
to get your seasonal decor together,
or is it just me?
Does it bring out the best in you
and does it get your best "creative juices" flowing
or does it just stress you out?
Grain scoop bin with fall foliage and blooms. |
I know we are to do what we can
all in fun with no pressure....
but come on ..... be honest!
Tell me truly,
how do you feel about it?
Thanks for stopping by the Polohouse today! |
Linking up with Connie at

Well Alison...first of all your gourds are fantastic. The ones in the cloches are my favorites. To answer your question, I think it depends on how my life is going at the time. For spring and summer I just loved it. I had plenty of time and all the projects were a blast. Since August began I feel as though I've been on a treadmill. Honestly, I am having trouble keeping up. My parents, my blog, my job, my Etsy shop, my husband (who is extremely low maintenance thank God) all combined are beginning to overwhelm me. I don't want to give up any of these things either. So my fall projects have been a little stressful. I felt hurried. Quite a change from that lady with the empty nest who began a blog out of boredom! Any balancing advice would be appreciated. Have a great Sunday...Chicago looks chilly!
I love your fall color....but it also fits so well in your home. It is hard to inject fall color in mine because is has such a coastal feel!!! And yes...blogging does put the pressure on for sure. But I am trying not to fall under that spell.....I might thrown in a pumpkin or 2 but they will have to be white :)
Your gourd decor is fabulous and yes, you stress me out, I feel I need to hurry and do more of fall decor and even Hallween and I can't think of anything, besides my house is upside down!, we're fixing the windows to place Hunter Douglas shades, I got tired of the fabric window treatments. I love the wire obeliscs from your sister Tara, now, they're something great!! Love,
I just love your tablescape for Fall! I really like Bob most of all. I'm a big fan of feathers, too, so I was immediately drawn to those. To answer your question, I would have to agree that there feels like an added pressure to decorate at the same time that everyone else is so you don't feel so "late" to the party! I am new at blogging so I can say firsthand that I didn't feel this way last year. However, I do feel more inspired to decorate than I did last year so it's more fun and worth the effort. I feel like my work gets noticed now whereas in the past, it was only by people coming over to visit. People that know me best, though, will tell you that I am not one to follow the crowd unless I REALLY want to! So, I'll still do things my way (not just to please someone else) and when I'm ready.
Alison, your buffet is stunning. Love love the gourds and the artwork is wonderful also. So perfect for the season. The lanterns are beautiful and of course the containers with feathers are always so beautiful. Your special guest "Bob" is exquisite. Definitely makes the table. Hugs, marty
Ms. A. First off,I do seasonal decorations for me and then for people who might be coming to take a tour. I do sometimes post them on the blog, but unless it is a one day thing, like 4th of July, there is no rules as to when they have to be done. Yes, a lot of people are posting about them now, but, that should never put you under pressure to do the same. Every blogger is unique. Some do food, table settings, cloths, interior design, seasonal, book review and on and on, while others do just what's up with there life. I started doing my blog to advertise and promote, my Old Historic House. I have made many friends and now I do it for comments and more friends. I like it and do it for fun, I sure do not want it to be a pressure on me. This is my point of view, which I am sure is not every ones. I say, relax, do you seasonal decorations on your on speed and if your are the last ones to be posted, so be it. I love your blog and your home and look forward to your new post. So all I ask is keep it up and do the best you can do, which to me seems to be great. Richard
Gorgeous, every single bit of it, Alison!
I tend to do seasonal decorating on a whim and don't do as much as I used to. My advice would be to not feel pressured into seasonal redos for blogland. Sort of takes the fun out of it. Fall is my favorite season, so I tend to slow down and enjoy.
It's hard not to be influenced by everything that is going on in blog-land, I try to stay true to my style, but there is definitely pressure. Pressure is great motivation as well - and I think the progress on our house is a direct reflection of that. So I'll take it! Love your decor! liz
For some seasons, such as Christmas, it definately gets my creative juices going; however, I was always a xmas nut, so I find it easy to get going and get it all done. For other seasons, such as fall or easter, in which I kept my seasonal decorating to a minimum, it somewhat stresses me out. I want to join these parties to help with my readership, and just to be involved in the fun of it, but I'm just not as on the ball with these seasons, and have a hard time getting it finished in time. I also get stressed out when I don't have much to post about. I did tell myself that my blog is for personal satisfaction only. I'm not trying to make money at it, or sell a brand, so if I don't post regularly, it's ok! As soon as the blog becomes a burden, I'll shut it down. So far, though, I absolutely love it, and just have to remember not to stress if I don't post every once in a while =)
I have always decorated for the seasons so I don't feel any pressure to do so from other bloggers. They do give me inspiration and ideas though, which is good. I always moved my things around through the seasons. My mother did too. She was a great interior decorator in her home and had beautiful things around so could change them out when she pleased. And, I have inherited a lot of her things so I feel free to do the same. I think we need to do what pleases us and not worry about blog peer pressure. Your table looks really nice and I love your 2 lustreware pitchers. I have one with a dark blue band and raised figures on it. (my mother's!) Pamela
Hi Alison! Yes, I think I get my season stuff out earlier because of blogging. It doesn't stress me out though. My messes I make do stress me out! :)
Your decor and decorating is always so gorgeous!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia )
Hi. Alison -- The third picture, of the decor on the kitchen painted buffet, is A+ in originality and composition. It's lovely!
Blogging is so new to me that I am still learning how to handle Blogger. I am told it is the easiest format to use. Hmm ... if I was 15 yrs old this would be automatic, right?!
But I love doing it! I am absolutely inspired by it! I find that my usual seasonal puttering and decorating has become SO much easier. And Better. I am hooked!
I hope you are enjoying it too!
My dear Alison,
Ever since I started doubling up on the Xanax, everything's been fine! I am a nut about my home and those of my clients. And I like attempting to be funny, so don't take me too seriously! My home is an extension of who I am...for better or worse. I love the inspiration and gentle push I get from you blog stars. Everyone needs a little push. I am amazed that you moms with kids and full time jobs have time for the blog writing, but you're amazing people. Don't tell Mr. Wonderful, but I can use the excuse that "I'm blogging about it", to get projects finished and off the to-do list. Wait until you see my fabulous fall decor...not really, but it works for me. Hugs to all, Barbara at The Treasured Home. Oh, and by the way, I'll give anyone who puts me on their blog roll a slice of pumpkin pie. Please?
Yes, it stresses me out! I think because I have so many things going on right now and I want to party with everyone but just can't seem to do it all. I don't have a lot of space, therefore that cuts down on the seasonal decorating too. I guess I'm just in a weird place right now! :-)
Your decor is just gorgeous! I love seeing what you're doing.
I love your gourds and autumn decor. :D
I do feel the pressure to decorate, but I still do things on my own time. I like to enjoy where we are in the present, and not rush things. We live in the Deep South, and when it is ninety degrees outside, I do not want to decorate for fall. I had rather continue enjoying summer. But that's just me. I have only decorated one end table in my house for autumn. I will decorate more toward the end of next week, but it will be more Halloween related. Nov. 1 I will take it down and decorate for Thanksgiving and add more fall decor.
Honestly? Yes, it feels stressful to me. It has been a month since I posted. It seems a bit overwhelming to first of all decorate, then great GREAT pictures, the put them on the computer and then blog about it. :( I really don't want to give up on blogging but real life takes over and I just need to take care of things on the homefront for awhile.
As always, I LOVE your fall decor. Really love the feathers in the silver pitcher. I could put feathers in each and every one (well almost) of my silk floral designs but I've learned many people don't like them. I love what they add to arrangements and everything else too! :) Great post, Ma'am.
My dear your feathers are fine. I tend to hear the beat of my own drummer and decorate when and if I want to. I do not even try to keep up with all the parties and join only a select few. I cannot decorate, the door, the porch, etc. all the time and do not worry about it. I am a enjoying my retirement from nursing and all of this is GRAVY compared to that career.
Gorgeous Alison! I love it all especially the feathers in your silver pitcher. Blogging can make me feel absolutely overwhelmed and always worrying about what my next post will be! I thought it would be so much easier when the kids went back to school but it's not. They have a heavy work load and their involved in a lot of after school activities, and that comes first. With all that being said I still love blogging just have to learn how to balance things out better:) Martina
Allison, Blogging has actually helped me get stay on track with my seasonal decorating....I have started earlier and enjoyed it more...I am also trying not to over-decorate simply because our house is for sale and I cannot overload the buyers with rooms full of "stuff". I do find the picture taking, and post creating to be a little strenuous at time but then I just back down for a while. Love your blog, hugs
Your Fall decor is so beautiful the pheasant and the feathers!
And blogging does a little of both for me...I do feel the pressure to get it done and snap photos and get a post and just get all stressed out. I am not a blogger who posts everyday...I simply don't have the time and I am just not that interesting! lol But the inspiration that I get and the friendships made are so rewarding!
Hope you are having a great weekend!
Lou Cinda
Hi Alison- You posed a good question. I feel that same way as some of your other readers who said that blogging is stressful, trying to keep up with it in regards to new posts (and I'm not doing that very well) and doing a million other things each and every day. Seeing people post on seasonal decorating and feeling like I have to keep up with my decorating then is not really an issue for me.
Your vignette is gorgeous. Love the feathers in the vase. Have a wonderful Sunday.
Your last photo is my most favorite. I hope you will pin it on pinterest so that I can re-pin it! ;o) Love those copper-ish pitchers. I have never seen anything like those or the boxes. Blogging does put pressure on you to get everything decorated and just so for photos, which is why I'm taking a hiatus until my little one gets a little older. Enjoyed this post. Looking forward to the next.
Hi Alison...
My friend, I just love coming to your place! Your home is just gorgeous and since autumn is my favorite season, I am REALLY enjoying your autumn pretties! Your dining room buffet is sooo beautiful! I'm in love with Bob! Hehe! Love the look of your leather boxes, the pheasant feathers, and all of those colorful gourds! Soooo pretty!!! Thank you for sharing your new autumn vignette with us!
Ohh try and answer your question. Yes, I do feel more pressure to get my seasonal decor done but for me...that's a good thing! I seem to need that extra stress to get me going and keep me motivated. Not sure if that is a good thing or not! Hehe! I really do love decorating my home...and the seasonal decorating is my favorite! I have a few health issues...blogging really has kept me moving! Sooo for's all good!
Have a super Sunday, my friend!
Gorgeous, Alison!!! You always mix such unique textures together ... I would never think to mix horseshoes in with guords ... genious! And, the obelisk candleholders filled with pumpkins/guords is beautiful! Bob is so handsome and love the pitcher filled with feathers! And, yes, I'll admit, I do feel a bit of pressure (but in a good way) to get my creative juju flowing to add my seasonal decor. Sometimes I need a big old nudge! LOL. xo
No, I don't feel pressure to do what comes naturally...sometimes I wish I had more time to make my blog posts more carefully composed and edited though. I feel like blogging provides me with extra feedback on the stuff I love doing and used to do with hardly anyone seeing it~I also love seeing what others are doing with their seasonal decor and home projects. All in all, its great. I can appreciate so many different styles, even if my home is of a certain flavor, I like to experience them all!
Perfection, as usual, with your decor Alison! And no, I do not feel pressure to get anything done. I get lots of great inspiration from others in blogland. Like some, I am not one to post everyday, and can't spend my entire day on the computer (and don't want to). I started this blog for fun, and have had fun, but if it were to ever become stressful because of pressure, or get in the way of real life, I would just have to give it up. I am just going to enjoy what time I have on here, take advantage of the inspiration and ideas that I get from all of you, and feel no pressure what so ever!
You are so funny but raised a great point about a little more pressure being put on once you are a blogger and have hundreds or thousands of eyes waiting to see what you are doing and of course always one step ahead of everyone:) I keep using the excuse that I havent moved yet so pressure is off BUT I can see how this does put you under the microscope a bit and heaven forbid you dont' have your ghourds and mums in full perfect display by Oct.1st!
I think its good and bad.....great because it motivates you BUT if you dont' have the time or just have too much going on in your life as is often the case...well, you feel under pressure and maybe even a little like you failed to get it together. At least I can see myself feeling that way.
Good news is though you nailed it to elegant, beautifully done and understated, not too much, not too little...just right!!
Alison, I don't feel the pressure, but I've certainly seen lots of inspiration for fall vignettes. I'm going to get started as soon as I get home, even if it is still hot ;-)
Beautiful autumn vignette. ~ Sarah
How beautiful it all looks! I love your cow print.
I don't feel pressured to decorate because of blogging. In fact I seem to hold on to the previous season a lot longer than most -lol.
Working a full time job plus running a business on the side has left me with little time to blog. The reason I have not posted in almost a month.
However, autumn is my favorite season and October is my favorite month so I am going to make the effort to get it together.
Love your sideboard!
Working a full time job plus running a business on the side has left me with little time to blog. The reason I have not posted in almost a month.
However, autumn is my favorite season and October is my favorite month so I am going to make the effort to get it together.
Love your sideboard!
Hi Alison! Your vignettes are always pretty. My favorites are Bob (Of course) and the candleholders. I've never really been a fan of feathers in decorating, but have started using them this year and enjoy them now too. I also love seeing unexpected things like your grain scoop bin. It's very obvious that you love your home.
Hi Alison! What beautiful fall decor for your already stunning buffet! Just love your colors and antiques, they are so warm and cozy! You are burning a pumpkin spice candle? That' the only thing that could make your vignette more a scent of fall to go along with it!
I don't let it stress me, but blogging does help me focus on things I need to do and motivate me to do them :)
(any news on sweet Dakota?)
WOW!! Seriously, this vignette is PERFECTION with a capital P!! You are so talented and the way you place colors,textures,and objects together is BRILLIANT.
You know, decorating for the seasons can be stressful when we have a lot going on in our lives, but for me, the anticipation of getting all my goodies out and thinking about how I plan to pull it altogether is the exciting part.
Putting away our summer decor and jumping into fall and then Christmas is a big job, but when you're done, the best part is kicking your feet up and enjoying it with family. =)
Happy Fall! XO ~Liz
To be perfectly honest, it stresses me out until I get started unpacking and then the fun takes over and I forget all about being stressed out. I will say though, I love fall, but have never been that anxious to decorate for the season. I would rather go hop on a horse and go for a ride and hear the leaves crunch under my mount's hooves.
Susan and Bentley
LOVE what you've put together.. I have old horse shoes thrown here and there too...
I love doing it, so I don't stress about it. I only wish I had more extra money to spend on what I'd REALLY like to do :-)
Alison your buffet is gorgeous and sophisticated! I was starting to feel the pressure to get Halloween decorations up and do a little Halloween crafting, because of blogging, but I told myself if it gets done great, but if not, oh well!
Your Fall decor is all so beautiful. Your vignettes and your taste are flawless!
Thanks so much for linking to Potpourri Friday. I appreciate your participation!
Your Fall vignette is very pretty, Alison! Blogging does put a certain amount of pressure on me but I do what I can and refuse to let it control me or stopped me from getting out and living life.
I put my house and family as a priority and blog late in the evening as I can. My hubby is so helpful and ready to pitch in when I ask or need him to.
Hope you have a great week!
This is so pretty, the painting above the buffet! I am pretty slow getting some seasonal decorating going...maybe if I stall a little longer, I can go right into!
your fall buffet is perfection! Love the feathers in the silver container! Bob is so cool! A pheasent was the logo for our store and was on our cards. We were visiting a friend and he had a gorgeous one in his library and sold it to us. Since we closed, he lives with me. I've always decorated for the seasons but since blogging I do feel some pressure, not necessarily to do it earlier but to do it better. I can usually get over that feeling but sometimes it's harder then others. I don't have a problem posting about other things, but feeling like I have to come up with things around the house every week is also little stressful. That is probably the hardest part for me. Most of the time I don't worry about it and just do what I do, but every once in a while.....
Bob is my favorite and his feathers! I think when I finally put out the is still 100 degrees here...I am going to use some pheasant feathers too. Yum!
I think blogging in its self is stressful sometimes, another thing to maintain, and I try to post because I want to and not because I have too. It is hard when you have a husband, children, a design firm and a farm to run to do it all. That is a great question and leaves much to think about! Happy fall to you. We were in Chicago last weekend and it was BEAUTIFUL Midwestern fall! xo Caroline
Love your fall display! I have to say I am a little OCD so I do tend to stress a bit. But I do love blogging and I sometimes need that extra kick in the pants.As long as we all stick together, we'll be fine!
hi Alison, Yes, Yes and yes to all your questions. I'm working on it.....Love all your fall touches, lovely fall vignettes. I'm still working at it...........
The French Hutch
This all looks marvelous. I love the ironwork containers filled with the gourds. Everything ties together so well and is truely elegant. Very, very pretty!
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