

Monday, September 10, 2012

Atlanta in 36 Hours

On Friday morning
my dear friend/business partner
kidnapped me
for my birthday 
(it was a big one....)
and flew us
to Atlanta 
to attend
two action-packed and antique-filled
days at Scott's 
Antique Market!


Completely caught me off guard.

What fun.
What finds.
What treasures!

We had THE best time
and now I know why
all you southern bloggers
have such awesome
homes ... Scott's!

Here is a peek
at some of the 
sights we saw.

Scott's is open monthly.
Check their calendar here.
I highly recommend
a trip there soon
if you are looking for
great home decor.

Oh, and take 
a wad of cash 
and a truck 
or two!


Thanks Jenn!!! Best friend and business partner EVAHH!


  1. So glad you had a happy birthday!! Sounds ideal to me!

  2. Alison - Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a great time. You'll have to share the treasures you bought in a future post.

    I've always heard about Scott's and now you've inspired me to go. Thanks for your info post!

  3. Happy Birthday, Alison! This looks like a great way to spend your birthday. I see so many beautiful things! I'm sure you found some amazing treasures!

  4. Scott's is the best! I used to go every month when I lived in Atlanta. The flea market here is no where near as good. What a great birthday weekend. And what a friend to take you! I've been saying to a friend we need to head out there for a Scott's weekend.

  5. Happy birthday! I lived in Atlanta for 8 years and loved going to Scott's. Many things in my home were purchased there. Fun times!

  6. HOW FUN!! Happy birthday, cannot think of a better birthday gift. Looks amazing..hope you came away with a few "gifts"!

  7. What a great way to spend your BIRTHDAY Alison. How perfect!! Happy belated birthday. Here's to many more. Linda

  8. Oh how fun and Happy Birthday!!!!! Sounds like a fabulous trip. Love all the fabulous eye candy. Hugs, Marty

  9. Scott's is great! I've been a couple of times myself. It's a long drive from my house, but always fun to visit. So glad that you got to go on your special day. I bet you had a lot of fun!

  10. Happy Birthday Alison! Isn't Scott's the most fun? I've been a few times and always found something I couldn't live without. :)
    Actually, I found LOTS of things, that I loved, but couldn't afford...story of my life. LOL
    Now,what wonderful things did you buy?

  11. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had fun! I know I would have....thanks for sharing your pics with us!

  12. But what did you come home with???
    Looks like great fun, and what a wonderful friend. Hapy Birthday.

  13. It's on my list if I ever get down there! Happy Birthday Alison!
    Cheers! - Shelley

  14. Wow, what a great place. Glad you had a happy birthday!

  15. Well if you must be kidnapped....

    You know we live with in three hours of Atlanta and have never been to Scotts...its a crime. Happy Birthday Alison.

  16. take me there with you, alison! i am dying to get there and give that sherry hart a high five!



  17. How wonderful to have such a sweet and thoughtful friend! Did you try some of the boiled peanuts??? Happy belated birthday!

  18. Happy Belated Birthday! Alison,

    Omg! is right. My heart is pounding just looking at your photos. What a fabulous birthday surprise. Jenn is a keeper(awesome friend).I'm excited for you lol.

    Scott's is amazing! Wish we had places like that near us. I would be there in a heartbeat ;o)

    Now, I'm going back to view your pics again & drool lol

    Thanks! for sharing part of your B-Day celebration & wishing you many more memorable birthdays. Have a beautiful week!

    Blessings & Hugs,

  19. Happy belated birthday! That was an AWESOME surprise! I bet you wished you DID have a truck with you, hope you at least got a few goodies. I sure saw alot I liked:) XO, Pinky

  20. I've heard it is wonderful, but a bit pricey. Happy Birthday. :)

  21. Alison,
    Happy Birthday. I have so many friends and family with early September birthdays.
    What a fun present, this place looks amazing, but then I believe most of the great antiques are east of the Rockies anyway. Hope you found a treasure or two for yourself.

  22. Looks like an over-the-top good place to shop!! What a fun trip!

  23. Happy Birthday! I am sure you had lots of fun-I saw lots of thigs that I love.


  24. I love the curlique-leafy lamp base!!
    Did you buy anything???????

  25. Alison, What a fun birthday present. Isn't Scott's the most awesome place. One could get lost in there and never try to emerge.
    I kidnapped Bob for a weekend on Jekyll Island several years ago. T'was fun.
    Blessings, Ginger

  26. OMG is right! What a fabulous treat! I'm sure you came home with a couple things!!!
    Happy Birthday!

  27. I so wish I knew you were coming.....but then YOU didn't know! But I wish I could have had a glass of wine with you. Yes....we have been known to take's a long day, right? So glad you had a good time. I'm so impressed with your friend's creativity. Happy birthday, girl.
    Linda @ A Toile Tale

  28. Alison, well, happy, happy birthday, dear friend. What a wonderful surprise. A trip to Scott's has been on my list for years. One of these days........
    Do we get to see what flew back to Chicago with you?
    ~ Sarah

  29. I live in a northern suburb of Atlanta and sometimes take Scotts for granted - so glad you got to enjoy it this month! I find the things outside to be a bit better priced than inside, but if you're looking for that certain something - you have a great chance of finding it at Scott's!

  30. WOW!!!! what a great partner!

    loved seeing scotts, my stomping grounds, through your eyes. isn't it the best?!

    happy birthday allison!

  31. Yea Jenn!!!!! Happy Birthday Alison

  32. Such a wonderful friend....and such a great birthday gift...I have been to Scotts and it is wonderful...So glad you had the opportunity to take in the "Scott's Experience"....Happy Birthday!!!

  33. know...i think i have come to take for granted our "little flea market"...i use to do grocery shopping in that space...and before scotts there was THE flea market at the fairgrounds(which we all haunted 40 years ago when we were young and newly married)...we have become rather famous it happy our hometown market played a part in your birthday...blessings laney

  34. Been to Scott's many times and it is always alot of fun....the North building is WAY pricier than the South...and the outside vendors are the MOST is a 2.5 hour drive for me, but so worth it!

    So what did you get???

    Lou Cinda

  35. And what a great way to celebrate your Birthday!!!

    Lou Cinda :)

  36. What an ideal birthday for us decorators! I am dreaming of going their someday!!! lucky you. Did you get anything?
    Happy Birthday, I hope its a great year for you.


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