

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

As Summer Slips Away...

Looks like 
the flowers and foliage
are starting to fade off 
just as 
the summer ends.


A few shots of the yard
this past weekend.

Hoping your days
are warm and sunny 
where you are.



  1. If I could wave a magic wand, I would have four houses in four hemispheres so I could travel with summer. So sad to see things going away! (although tending to everything gets to be too much sometimes). Oh well, fall here we come.

  2. Alison, it's still hot and sunny here. LOL More triple digits this week, but they say a cool front is coming. Ha, that means the highs will be in the 90s.
    Sorry I missed the linky party this month. I should have planned a head. Sarah

  3. Alison, your flowers still look wonderful! With the warm weather that we still have, ours are still holding on. Your photos are gorgeous!

  4. Summer is still hanging around here, but you can just's different. Love the pink pillow with the black!

  5. Alison- Summer still looks pretty beautiful at your house! I am having a hard time letting go of it this year- xo Diana

  6. Hi Alison:

    I love your end of summer pictures! It was such a hot summer and it appears your flowers have survived it all very well. Lovely pictures and surroundings! I love the pillow colors and especially the black and white pillow on the chair! Still hope that someday we will meet.
    Mary Anne ox

  7. Oh what beautiful gardens still full of beauty. Thanks for sharing.

  8. So hot here still that everything is really having a hard time. Your yard looks amazing. Hugs, Marty

  9. such a pretty, lush yard! This is probably the first year that I've been sad to see summer go. I'm a fall girl, but for some reason, I'm just not quite ready for it yet.

  10. oh alison, the property is so amazing in every season. someday i will shoot it in all its glory with my little camera.

    love to you.


    i pretend summer doesn't end til the end of october. so technically i'll soon be in paris in the summer. :)

  11. Your yard still looks wonderful even at the end of the summer...still warm here...but hoping for the cooler temps soon...Have a great weekend!

  12. Beautiful yard and photos, thank you so much for sharing. :)

  13. Your yard still looks so beautiful! Ours is fading and has a lot of dead spots. I hope your transition to fall is lovely. Your photos are beautiful Alison.

  14. I guess I can quit worrying now about all the stuff that didn't get done over summer huh? I'll start fresh on what needs to get done for Fall.


  15. Hi Alison,
    Your yard still looks lovely. I'm afraid the heat and humidity we've been having this past month has stressed most of my roses and a lot of my other plants. I'm a fall person so I'm more than ready. What's the Favorites on the First topic for October? I want to be ahead of the game, sorry to have missed September.

  16. It is warm here but on Sunday it is supposed to cool off for awhile. MY flowers are all looking TEWRRIBLE right now. It is weird, just last week I was thinking how GOOD everything looked and now they have all lost their petals and are rotting from too much rain:( I plan to dump my pots this weekend:(:(

  17. Yes, we bid adieu. I do personally prefer spring and fall seasons.

  18. Breathtaking pictures, Alison.

    Can I come visit sometime,lol!

  19. I am so glad to have found your wonderful blog! I can't wait to see more!

  20. I wish my plants looked this good! Between the hurricane last week and the extreme Louisiana heat they look a little pitiful! I'm your new follower!

  21. Beautiful!

    I loved your kitchen feature at Kim's. It is absolutely GORGEOUS!

    Have a great day!

  22. Great photos! I'm expecting warm days...I'm still in winter here!
    Your kitchen is wonderful, I came from SSS. And I'll continue visiting the rest of your house.
    Besos from Argentina (with very good polo players!)

  23. Just put your blog in my favorites. So glad I found you!

  24. Just stopping by to say that I enjoyed the tour over at Kim's! Your home is always one of my absolute faves! Have a great weekend!

  25. What you are calling a "fading garden" looks pretty darn good to me. Until today (we got a down-pour), it had been so hot and dry. Everything was really looking parched, including!

    Just visited your kitchen over at Kim's. I've seen it and drooled before, but I was happy to do it again. It's just gorgeous!

  26. Beautiful. I love this time of year in the garden when the light outside is so soft.


  27. Love your home. Your kitchen transformation is fantastic. Found you through Kim!

  28. Alison no matter what the season is, your grounds always look stunning! Have a great weekend!

  29. Hi! Alison,

    Omg! your flowers and plants still look amazing! Sadly, ours are pretty much done for the season. Some of our leaves on the trees are already changing here. Autumn is just around the corner. Hoping to have some warmer weather for just a bit longer. Hubby is welcoming the cooler he is not a fan of hot humid

    Love your wonderful photos. Gorgeous! landscape and home. Have a sunny weekend!

    Blessings & Hugs,

  30. Hmmm...somehow I missed this post earlier. Your flowers still look petty good. We are expecting a wonderful weekend with temps in the 70's but bright and sunny...doesn't get much better than that.
    Have a great week-end yourself.

  31. Saw your lovely kitchen on Savvy Southern Style today. I LOVE IT! I'm designing the kitchen of the house we are building and your kitchen looks like it will fit perfectly! Can you possibly send me the complete layout? I can't tell where the fridge is. My email address is Thanks for any help you can give me! I look forward to getting your future posts.

  32. Saw your lovely kitchen on Savvy Southern Style today. I LOVE IT! I'm designing the kitchen of the house we are building and your kitchen looks like it will fit perfectly! Can you possibly send me the complete layout? I can't tell where the fridge is. My email address is Thanks for any help you can give me! I look forward to getting your future posts.


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