

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Front Door Decor


That was too much fun.

When Sarah, Delores, Babs
and I decided to put a Tartan Day celebration post together,
I don't think any of us
realized how many great posts
you all would share and the amount
of inspiration we would receive. Astounding!

We are thinking it will have to be an annual event.

Thanks so much to all of you 
who "marched" in the parade
and to all of you 
who came to "watch" the parade.

So, just so you can plan for next month....

front door

.... the monthly linky party,
Favorites on the First 
will feature
Front Door Decor.


So take some pictures 
of your favorite front door decor
this spring and show us 
what you've got going.

(Or... link us to an older post of your favorite front door
that you created for any other season. That works too.)


So remember on the first next month,
we will all come knocking
to see how your door decor
is looking on May 1st!


See you then.

Knock, knock!


  1. OHMYGOSH! I can't wait to see those door decorations. I LOVE doors! Absolutely LOVE them. For many years we ran a window, siding and door business and I LOVED them! xo Diana

  2. Maybe I won't have to be just a voyeur for the door decor party! I'm already working on it.


  3. Looking forward to everyone's front door posts and hopefully, I'll have something on mine by then.
    Thanks so much for all your hard work making the Tartan Parade a fun event, and helping me get my link to work. :)

  4. I'm swooning over that watering can idea! Wow.

  5. There's a house around the corner that changes it's front door color every other month. They do coordinating planters, for a complete look. I wouldn't call it a favorite, but this month it's painted checkerboard style in pastels for spring. Looking forward to next month's party.

    On a side note, I'm so glad you got the malware problem fixed. The hubs is super vigilant about stuff like that, so I took a break just to be sure that all kinks were worked out.

  6. Your linky party themes are just wonderful...there's nothing I like more than a great door with a beautiful wreath! I'll for sure be there. I loved the Tartan Parade...I hope to get back and visit more links. I am, as always, behind on blog visits and emails. I keep plugging away though! Hope you and your family have a lovely Easter Alison...Ann

  7. Alison, I'm looking forward to May's front door feature. Great idea! I don't decorate our front door, but I often take photos of other's doors. I'll see what I can pull together to share.
    Happy Easter ~ Sarah

  8. Oooo can't wait for May's Favorites on the First.

  9. Love the decor of those front doors. Thanks for sharing those photos. :)
    philippine properties


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