

Monday, January 7, 2013




They are 
everywhere in our homes
in one form or another.

When I was trying to think
of a topic for 
February's edition of
Favorites on the First
 I looked around the house
and wondered what inspiration 
I could find. 

I have vessels and containers 
I know ....  
you're thinking
the "H" word 
about me again.

(If you watch "In the Middle", 
hilarious weekly sitcom on ABC-TV,
you can appreciate 
that right about now
I am picturing
 the youngest son, Brick, 
tilting his head down
and whispering into his chest
the word "hoarder" 
right about now.)

Click HERE to see a video clip of Brick whispering words. :)
Guaranteed to make you laugh and smile.

I scrolled back through my 
old photo files and found
these shots I had taken 
through the last few years.

Will take new photos
for the post on February 1st.
Hope you will plan
to join me then to share
the favorite containers
in your home too!

See you for the linky party
on the 1st. Everyone is welcome!


  1. I love all these pictures of containers in your home... too many great ones to pick a favorite. By the way, we adore Brick at our house too!
    I wouldn't say you are a hoarder at all... you just have a knack with using and making containers look wonderfully inviting. It's not hoarding if it looks nice, in my book anyway! Melinda

  2. Beautiful shots Alison! See you on the 1st!

  3. You have the loveliest way of containing you "stuff"... albeit, beautiful stuff! I think this is a super idea! I need inspiration and this linky will be full of creative ideas... and magazine worthy images, I'm sure. Now off to put the date on my calendar!

  4. You have some stunning containers, love them all. I will put a reminder on my calendar. Hugs, Marty

  5. well you certainly have a way with those containers. each and everyone is unusual and pretty

  6. okay, now my heart is doing the happy dance!!!

    you always strike a chord

  7. Alison, it's a brilliant idea! We all have "hoards" of containers through out our homes. I don't consider us hoarders, we are just like groups of things. LOL
    Looking forward to playing along on the 1st......Sarah

  8. You are a girl after my own heart...I am a "containerhaholic' if there is such a thing. I have them everywhere!! I love yours and how you have displayed and used them. Great and inspirational ideas Alison!

  9. YOUR containers are fabulous. I love dough bowls. I do have two. I keep fruit that we eat in mine. No styling in that. hugs, olive

  10. Your containers are wonderful, Alison...this post made me look around...of course I am surrounded by them, too lol!

  11. I never heard of that show before, so I had to watch the video. And OMG.... that's my son raking leaves, seriously how can anyone be an uncoordinated leaf raker - but mine is!


  12. I will put this on my calendar and hope to God remember to do a post so I can join the party!!! You have BEAUTIFUL containers and the things that are in them. XO, Pinky

  13. Alison,
    This will be fun. I'll have to scope out my "containers" in and around our house.

  14. What a great theme for the party! have so many beautiful containers....looking forward to all the "container ideas"....!

  15. You are not only talented... you are funny. Love your blog!

  16. I can't ever seem to have enough containers, Alison. More stuff means more containers, means more stuff means.......oops!! Did someone say the H word?

  17. You have some great containers Alison! Hope to see you on the first! ~Delores

  18. Lovely containers and photographs of them!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Hi Alison
    Love all of the containers!
    The blue Mason jars with the hydrangeas makes me happy!
    Happy 2013

  21. Oh my Alison, I can't stop laughing...that was hilarious!!!
    Love all of your containers, you have a great collection!!!

  22. So much inspiration here! Containers are so fun.. they are functional and look great (especially yours!). I like the white pitchers and the dough bowl! P.S.Hoarding is not attractive so.. forget that!

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  24. This is right up my alley, and I will join you on the First! You have some wonderful containers!


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