

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Finishing Touches


I am spending the entire day
with one of my favorite clients
 accessory shopping.

One of my favorite things to do.

Not only is this client 
one of the cutest and sweetest 
girls you could ever meet, 
but she is fun, has a lovely home,
and great taste too. 

Accessories are so important in a house.

It's what adds a heart to your home.
It's what puts the personality 
on the face 
 of your living space.

Don't you agree? 
It's all in the details...
the finishing touches.

If you could name 
just three of your most 
  favorite accessories 
in your home,
what would they be?

Please share! 
I would love to know.


  1. That's so true Alison it's all in the finishing touches, that really show of your style. Martina

  2. Oh Alison!

    I was driving on Rt. 2 today and at the bottom of a long driveway, I saw all of these "green" balls on the ground. I just happened to have an old round egg basket in the car and I quickly scooped up about a dozen of them. Now, that counts as an accessory, right? Thanks for the inspiration in one of your earlier posts.

    Connie Lou

  3. Hi Alison, you know I'm all about the accessories! My 3 faves are urns, great iron pieces, and coffee table books.

  4. I guess I should list my three items too! Old books, paintings and pieces with sentimental attachments or history.


  5. So true about accessories being the finishing touch. What fun you both will have ... look forward to seeing the goodies you find, too!

  6. You are so right, accessories are like the jewelry for the home.
    My three faves, blue and white porcelain, urns and vases and books or pillows. I could keep going but these are definitely 3 I need to have!

  7. oh my... favorites... Well glass cloches are a must in my house, and birdcages... I have two, no three (one tiiiny one I suppose that counts). Old books!!! :D

  8. I DO agree. Some of my favorite accessories are wooden boxes, wooden candlesticks, and wooden bowls. (Sounds like I'm in a rut, doesn't it?) Guess I could have squeezed "books" somewhere into that list!

    What an interesting and fun day you will have!

  9. I agree with this post. That's probably why I love English country style so much because the English know how to finish off accessories and make them truly special. three favorite accessories are the portraits of my children, MacKenzie-Childs picture nails, and books. :D

    I alos like our architectural salvage, so I guess that's four favorites!

  10. Sentimental bits and pieces, framed photos, fresh flowers.

  11. I love accessory shopping with my clients, too, Alison. The only problem is I usually see things I'd like to get for myself! I have too many favorites and it winds up changing when I put stuff out for holidays or seasonally.

  12. Alison,
    I soooo agree. I guess I am more about the accessories vs the "clean" look. I would have to say, photos of my loved ones, florals, dishes.
    I love seeing all of your treasures. Have fun today!

  13. Hi Alison,
    Well since I use my black candelsticks everywhere, I would say them! And of course pictures of my family and probably pillows...oh the list could go on! Love your accessories - have fun shopping!

  14. My favorite things are mirrors, dishes and dishes! Have fun shopping, Laura Cottage and Broome

  15. I agree. I also think it the most fun part of decorating. I guess my 3 would be old books, pillows and mirrors. It's really hard to narrow it down like that! Ha!

  16. I can't think of a more fun day than accessory shopping with you! My favorite accessories would be pillows, urns, books.

  17. Have fun shopping! My favorites are anything with a memory attached, dishes, and more dishes. Sally

  18. Oh, any excuse to go shopping for home stuff is good and to think you get to do it on someone else's dime! I love pillows, dishes, and bird related items for my home,

  19. I could never pick just three, but accessories make the house. So many photo shoots I see in magazines and you can see the accessories moved from room to room. What do they think we are dumb? I guess they just hope no one will notice. It is like flowers at a wedding, booze and music always win over in budget.It is like a beautifully dressed lady with no jewels. being able to accessorize is what keeps humans apart form the animals. It has to be done, it is not a complete room with out them. Thanks and good luck hunting. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  20. I am with you 100%! To me that's when the real fun starts with any design project.
    This shopping trip is going to be fun!

  21. Oh is it ever in the details... my great grandmothers hand thrown black pottery, pillows, and old clocks. :)

  22. Hmmm, let me see...I would say things that are both useful and pretty...books, baskets and bowls, and linens :)

  23. I sure do agree Alison. My favorites have to be french faience, french faience and french faience. I know I'm over the top with it but its what I enjoy.
    Have a great day of shopping.

    The French Hutch

  24. My 3 faves are blue and white jars, pillows and lamps. I agree that accessories can MAKE a room or home! And they need to be the right scale too. Have fun shopping!!! XO, Pinky

  25. you know i like an uncluttered nest but gun to my head: books, flowers, and original artwork.


  26. Absolutely, the accessories create the magic, for certain! Original oil/acrylic paintings; a fabulous needlepoint dark, dark brown zebra pillow, and my collection of dog porcelains ~ headed by my Meissen Pug, purchased in Firenze, oddly enough!

    Enjoy your treasure hunt!

  27. What fun you'll have! I was going to say pillows, lamps and artwork, but I see a few of my other friends already stole my answer! Greenery (real), photos of family and friends, treasures from travels, books...? You are a master of this and an even better photographer. My new SLR'S camera arrived today, so watch out! :)

  28. Fun post reading everyones favorites~mine are mirrors, pillows and old dishes. Have fun tomorrow!

  29. pillows, candles and personal what you do with all your pretty

  30. Love to stay on my living room with mirror, my center table with a beautiful flower vase in it and my stripe pillows. :)

    Philippine properties

  31. I am SUCH a detail person....a lover of the "smalls"...things I can tuck into little spaces to just make it pop! I truly don't know what I love the most! It's a cohesive thing....a pretty vignette mesmerises me....I keep studying it and see something different everytime I looke at it...

    Whoa, that was a deep response huh? LOL

    Hope you are having a great day!

    Lou Cinda :)

  32. Totally agree! My favs are candles & holders, lamps, artwork (professional & handmade).

  33. My faves are vintage signs, industrial pieces, and mirrors.


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