

Friday, September 2, 2011

Meet My Artistic Friend, Julie

My sweet friend Julie is an amazing artist.

She is a painter and a sculptor,
a potter, (with two kilns in her studio)
and works with many different media.

Everything she creates is ... simply incredible.

I went to her home last summer and took
many photos while I was there for a luncheon
and pottery painting party with friends.

This was our luncheon table setting. So pretty and colorful!

Julie telling a funny story to us before lunch!

Looking at the back of her very unique home.

Let me also tell you,
she lives on an old estate in the orangerie
that was converted to a single family residence
years ago. The home is light and airy and gorgeous.

Because it was an orangerie, her outdoor
gardens were once under greenhouse glass roofs.

Every short wall you see once had a glass greenhouse structure above it. Now these foundations create outdoor garden rooms.

Lots of beautiful views to inspire the artist.

When you visit Julie,
it is such a treat
to be with someone who
radiates talent and creativity.
Such an inspirational and spiritual soul.

Not only is she beautiful inside and out,
she is sweet and clever,
and has a dynamic personality
with a great sense of humor.

Take a look at some of her artwork.

This is a self portrait.

Every section and each item used for this mosiac represents a part of Julie's artistic journey.

She made herself a pair of shoes to match when she revealed this piece at an art show.

Julie was asked to sell her self portrait.
She decided not to but made a
 couple other similar sculptures to sell.

One is this little gal entitled
"games we used to play".

Take a close look at every layer and detail
of this little cutie. Aside from her body,
sculpted from clay,  she is constructed mostly
of games and game pieces.

Her hair is made of jacks and little dice sets.

Julie's husband sliced the faces of blocks off to make ruffles on the skirt. Find the hidden words.

This cutie-patootie sold but she has other pieces foe sale and does commissioned pieces as well.

Here is another sculpture Julie made
of a woman.... in vintage attire
with a kitchen/fruit theme.

Julie describes this woman
as a housewife from the 50's 
in her housework apron.
She wears it as her armor
shielding her from her daily chores.


The apron is like a shield made from layers and layers of vintage food tins and cans, etc.

Julie spent hours cutting apart large vintage tins with cutting shears to make the dress and apron.

This sculpture is still availalable.

Think of the hours that go into each of these pieces!

This is a commissioned piece Julie made. This was a gift from a wife who had it made for her husband --- symbolic presentation of her husband and some of his passions. The letters on his face spell out meaningful words and sayings.

Julie oozes talent and inspiration!!!

Here is Julie in her studio
giving us all some direction
for our painted platters that we
were making that day.

Julie is famous in our area
for her spectacular glittery and one-of-a-kind
Christmas decorations and ornaments
that she sells at local and national shows.
She also has a new line
of fall pumpkins that she plans to sell
at these shows as well.

For more information on
commissioning art by Julie
or to purchase one of her sculptures,
or to get a listing of the shows
she will be attending this year,
you can contact her directly.

Julie Whitehead Holdsworth
Whitehead Studios

So lucky to know
this wonderful and talented lady,
my friend, Julie.


I made a brown version of a Blue Willow pattern for my brown and tan kitchen that day!


  1. I am flabbergasted! The "self-portrait" and "50's Lady" are amazing. You truly are blessed to know such a talented woman personally.

    Your platter turned out quite nicely, too! Congratulations.

  2. Julie is amazing!!! but I am totally blown away by your platter. You rock sister!!!

  3. Alison, Julie's work is so creative. What fun! A local artist does similar pieces using just buttons. I like the whimsy of adding other things, especially the game pieces. Very clever. What fun to have this talented lady as a friend. I'm fortunate to have friends who are artists too. They continually inspire me.
    Your plate looks fabulous. I'd say you are very talented with a paint brush. Painting on ceramics is not an easy medium. Well done! ~ Sarah

  4. How fun. Her creations are amazing and she has such imagination to put these things all together. Your plate is stunning. You did an amazing job. Great post. Hugs, Marty

  5. WOW!Thank you so much for sharing all of those fabulous pictures! Julie's home and garden is such a treasure. I am blown away by her creativity and talent. I adore your did such a good "impression" of blue willow but to match your kitchen...great idea.

  6. I'm almost speechless! Your friend Julie is so talented! I'm so amazed at her work - her self portrait and that house lady! These are magnificent! Beautiful place she has too.
    Now you painted the Brown Willow? Oh, you've been holding out on us - it's gorgeous.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  7. What Creativity! Thanks for sharing her work. The hours that must go into her work and the meaningfullness of the pieces is impressive to me. Your platter is beautiful and fits your decor perfectly.

  8. You're a lucky lady Alyson to have a fabulous and amazing artist friend and be able to see her work first hand, as you say she's a beautiful person inside and out! I appreciate your post very much as my hubby and me were potters, we owned a Ceramic Co. where I designed china. I love her self portrait, is fabulous and I do love the little girl called Games we played...Her house is gorgeous with fabulous grounds...I so enjoyed your post very much and I thank you and congratulations to your friend. I also love her table and tabletopper.
    Lots of hugs. FABBY

  9. Wow I am floored! She is so so many ways. The sculptures are unlike any thing I have ever seen and the plate is stunning too as is her beautiful home. Thanks for sharing!

  10. Love your friends talent. I have one of those concrete cherubs in my front yard, hers looks much older and she has too, Darn it! Thanks for sharing. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  11. I have seen her work in Chicago Home and Garden Magazine? Maybe it wasn't. I have seen it somewhere, though. I have several of her ornaments as well!
    The cherubs she has on her wall are the ones I have been looking for but I settled (temporarily) for the versions I have in my side gardens.
    How did you make your plate? Do tell! Please?
    You guys sure know how to live up there in the North!

    p.s. I have just discovered that I, too, have an artist for a neighbor! He works in all mediums and he is almost as odd as I am! LOL!


  12. Julie is truly a wonderful artist, I love the sculptures and the painting as well. You must have had a great time with her. Your plate is fabulous...I hope you are using that talent some way!


  13. Julie is incredible! what a lot of lovely you shared today--my pulse is racing. i love the sculptures, and look at you, miss painter!

    i'm exhausted after posting today, the longest post known to man. no idea what i was thinking and now need a beach vacation!



  14. This is incredible stuff she is creating, how cool to be able to hang out and watch that kind of talent...and also yours..that plate is stunning..also loved your daughters patio party..that pink with the black and white is so adorable

  15. Did you paint that plate by hand? Looks like your friend isn't the only artist! Both of you have some wonderful talents. I would have loved to have seen the glass greenhouses back in the day. When I was a child, we had two greenhouses on our property. One of them was glass. Those are hard to find these days, so I always enjoy them for a trip down memory lane. Have a great weekend!

  16. WOW, she is amazingly talented!!!! The lady sculptures are incredible! I am also blown away by YOUR talent, you apinted that platter!!!! It is gorgeous!!! Thanks for sharing all of this. XO, Pinky

  17. What talent! I'm jealous not only of her talent, but her patients. Amazing!

  18. I had to take a second look for your platter. Nice job!

  19. What an incredible talent! It would be such a pleasure to be able to visit such an amazing artist in her studio. You're so blessed to know her personally. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I am just amazed, truly amazed at Julie's talent!! Her self-portrait, the 50's lady and the child are just incredible. That's my kind of funky art! I know I would love being in her presence. The house and gardens are exquisite. Thanks so much for sharing!

    I must say that your talent is incredible too ~ the plate is just gorgeous! Do you do any other painting? If not, you should.


  21. I am just amazed, truly amazed at Julie's talent!! Her self-portrait, the 50's lady and the child are just incredible. That's my kind of funky art! I know I would love being in her presence. The house and gardens are exquisite. Thanks so much for sharing!

    I must say that your talent is incredible too ~ the plate is just gorgeous! Do you do any other painting? If not, you should.


  22. Hi Alison! You're lucky to know such an amazing artist. Julie's work is amazing!

  23. WOW! Alison what an amazing artist. I can't imagine the hours spent with those maniquins.
    Your plate turned out beautiful.

  24. Isn't nice to have talented friends!! Her mosaic people were absolutely amazing, so glad you took lots of closeup shots of the figures. I loved that she used crayons and pencils in the one piece. Her garden was great too. Looooved the little platter that you did, another talented person heard from. Delightful post, have a great weekend, Laura

  25. Alison, you *so knew* that I would love this post! Julie is a gal after my own heart! I have always wanted a little conservatory off our breakfast room, and Julie gets to live in an orangery....*and* she is an artist who has conquered several media....WOW!!! I want to be friends with the two of you. I am so sad that we live far away from each other!

    BTW....your platter turned out fantastic! You have many talents, too, Alison!

    I want you to post a photo of it hanging in your kitchen ;P

    Ricki Jill

  26. Simply amazing!!! and nothing simple about it! Beautiful work, so original! And I do love that house. Thanks for sharing.....

  27. What a wonderful talented friend you have!!Her designed are so creative...I've never seen anything like it!! If she sewed she would win project runway!!

    So nice to meet you...what a pretty and inspiring blog you have...thia is my first visit:)
    Rene xo

  28. Susan johnston4/1/12, 7:38 PM

    Julie we need to go dumpster diving, Susan Johnston Stephens '75


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