

Friday, July 22, 2011

A Light Poll

Never really gave much thought
to the light bulbs
that we use to light up our homes.....

... until they told me
I had to
replace this little guy (above)

with this.

I do not
 like these swirly-doo bulbs.

Do you?

Before we know it....
the old models will be vintage collectibles
that we will be putting under
our cloches to appreciate.

Tell me your thoughts.


  1. A guy at Lowes told me several months back that our regular bulbs would be gone soon. He started stocking up on them for his mom. I need to go do the same for me. I am not wild about the swirly ones either. Especially when they have to show in light fixtures above like bathroom lights. Ugh. Not sure how they will make one in a candle shape for our small lights and chandeliers.

  2. I also know of someone who is stocking up on the old standard bulbs.
    No, I do not like the new ones or the fact that they will be our only option in the near future. I frankly, don't feel comfortable with the clean up process if one breaks. Many people don't understand there is a danger to the insides of the Mercury filled ones.

  3. I don't care for them either. They have mercury in them don't they? We have LED bulbs available here in a warm white and plan to switch out our halogen bulbs in the kitchen lights once they burn out. I've never actually seen them though. I prefer the incandescent ones for lamps as they also give off heat (which we crave in the winters). Cute idea to put a cloche on them. Have a great weekend! Pamela

  4. When we lived in Illinois we got a supply of free incandescent bulbs every month. We still have some of them after moving from there 11 years ago. When I read that our factories are closing that produce the incandescent bulbs I had my Hubby buy more from Lowe's. I don't like the ones (like the one you show) our government is trying to force us to buy they are a hazard when they break. Our new van has LED lights in it and that is ok with us.

  5. I don't care for the look either, Alison, but I'm okay with using them for lamps when you can't see them. I actually have two right now in our living room lamps. They aren't great for reading by and I just use them to "set the mood" in the living room when I need light in there. They were expensive when I got them about 10 years ago, so they do last long, but the cons to me are the look, the light output, and the safety factor {which I just read about that Mercury business last year}. So are they really better?

  6. I don't care for the new ones at all. Each time I go to Walmart or Target, I stock up on the regular type. Hopefully, I can continue to use them for a long time. The new ones are dangerous w/the mercury and do not offer a pleasing type of light.


  7. LOL so you are a swirly-doo bulb hater, too, huh? Some websites are selling the really old fashioned-looking bulbs, and I *heart* them :D
    Neat post, by the way....

  8. I KNOW I should be using these bulbs, and they're in all of my overhead lights, which I barely use, but until they improve the light these cast, they're a NO vote from me!

  9. One of the terrible ideas of the government. I dislike the lights, but I REALLY dislike the idea of them telling us we have to use them.
    I have bought plenty of the standard ones to take me through the next few years. After that I'll probably be gaga sitting in the "Old Wrinklies Home" and I won't know or care!

  10. I just hate that the swirly ones are not so compatible with some of my lamps. They stick up!

  11. I do not care for the bulbs, nor do I care to be told what I can and can not purchase for MY home. We have tried these "wonderful, long lasting bulbs" in the past. I dont care for them and they are not long lasting!!! Not to mention IF they truely do have Mercury in them, that is a hazard. I work in a medical clinic and we are no longer allowed to have thermometers or blood pressure cuffs that contain Mercury. A safety hazard by all standards.

  12. I do not care for these bulbs. Nor do I care to be told what I can and can not purchase for MY home. We have tried the "wonderful, long lasting bulbs" and they are NOT long lasting. We have had to replace these bulbs more frequently than the old standard bulb.
    If these bulbs truely do contain Mercury that is a health hazard. I work in a medical clinic and by LAW we are not allowed to have thermometers or blood pressure cuffs that contain Mercury do to the health concern.

  13. Sorry for the duplicate didnt show up for several minutes, so I reposted. So sorry.

  14. I hate the swirly bulbs. I'm on a mission to buy up all then100 watt "normal" light bulbs I cn find!

  15. We were just talking about the swirly ones with friends last night! All four of us dislike them--for all the reasons mentioned in the other comments here!

  16. Putting them under our cloaches, lol, that is too funny. But, I totally agree with you. I do not like them at all. We already have some and they do not seem to put out as much light at the old ones, and I do not like the looks of them at all.

  17. Has this happened to anyone?
    I have had three of them break in my hand over the last year...... which means little drops of mercury falling onto the floor not to mention the possible damage to my skin!?
    I reallllly hate these things.
    Heaven forbid you have a clip on lampshade. Don't even try it!
    (Once again, the bulb explodes....)
    Florescent light is the pits!

  18. Alison,
    I'm with you! I really don't like the way they look, the light they put out or anything about them. I find it hard to believe that they should just be able to say hey, this is the way it is to bad! The mercury thing is something else, what are they thinking? I guess we will all have to become "light bulb hoarders"! I'm going to start stocking up!
    P.S. Think of all the calories you save by just "looking" at those cupcakes!

  19. I blogged about this a week ago. I am not looking forward to the new bulb choices. We also hope to create a stock pile of the old bulbs. Not to mention that if you try the new lights out, they do not put out the same lumens. They aren't as bright. We were replacing fixtures about two weeks ago and we did the math. Come next year we will all have darker homes. You simply can't replace the brightness with anything they are going to offer.

  20. I don't like them either and they don't last like they claim. We use them in the back room and the light they put off is horrible( hubby buys them). I do wonder about the mercury.

    thanks for talking about this.

  21. I refuse to use those hideous bulbs. The old ones are perfection...I love the golden glow they give out. Read all about how awful the new ones are for the environment here at:

    Claudia of The Paris Apartment started up this blog about it over a year ago.

    The new light bulbs are just being forced on us by the manufacturers. It's just a way for someone to make a lot of money. And they are bad for the environment.

  22. Interesting....
    Greetings from France,


  23. I'm with you. I don't care for the swirly ones either. It's difficult to fit the lamp shades, and then what about the shades that fit on the globe? Changes!!!
    Clever of you to put them under the cloche. ;-)

  24. I agree with the above posters...don't like the look and don't like being told what to buy. I LOVE your photography of the bulbs under creative. I was listening to Kevin Sharkey on Martha Stewart radio last week...he was interviewing a lamp maker, Christopher Spitzmiller. They were talking about this subject too. Christopher said that the light bulbs that we now think of as "normal" will still be available but as "specialty" bulbs at a much higher cost. I did see some florescent bulbs encased in a more traditional white globe last week at Home Depot so at least maybe they are disguising the swirly-thing on some bulbs.


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