

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The back porch

The summer of 2011 heat wave
has passed us for now
after two nights
and  4 - 6 inches of heavy rainfall.

The patches of grass in the yard
that had turned yellow 
in the extreme heat 
are showing signs of life again.

These are photos of our back side porch.
It faces away from the street and it gets the most
traffic since it is the shortest path
from the house to the cars and garages.

Every home should have a porch swing..... one of my most favorite spots.

Vintage barkcloth fabric hides a hundred puppy paw prints!

My sweet friend Jennifer brought me this gorgeous blue hydrangea for my bday on Thursday. :)

Hope you are keeping cool
and wishing for you
some cooling rains
in your local forecast.

Stone pathway to the front yard.

Look how this little fellow has filled out since I posted on it.

Walkway to the detached garage.

As always,
thanks so much for
stopping by the Polohouse today.

Stay cool, friend.


  1. Beautiful! Richard from MY Old Historic House

  2. How about that storm! Biggest in history - at least it's brought nicer temps! Beautiful garden images - as always! Liz

  3. Beautiful pics! Love that wicker swing. I wish we had a porch on this house for one. Your gardens are simply gorgeous! I love seeing them. Thanks for sharing.

  4. What a beautiful garden!! I could sit on that swing for hours with a good book and a cold tea!!

  5. Very charming! I am impressed with your green plush gardens. The heat is killing us here in the Carolinas!

  6. Gorgeous grounds! Love the hosta. The deer ate mine this year after not touching them for 30 years. Go figure! Your porch is so inviting! Linda

  7. Your impatiens are beautiful. I don't have a porch swing but if there was a way to fit one in I would...we are getting your storms right now. I don't mind though because we really need the rain. Have a great week!

  8. your gardens look beautiful. It is so hot in St louis that I water and a few hours later it looks like I did not even do it. Lost some plants.
    love your porch swing...I agree they are wonderful!

  9. Love your gorgeous yard. So jealous, too. My backyard is horrible. All our grass died last year and this other grass type stuff took over. It is green, but it isn't what I want. Love the picture of the flowers on the bench. Nice chippy worn bench. Send the rain here. We need it again. My yard is drying up in this heat.

  10. Beautiful, Alison! It looks so cool in that shade, too! It's been horrible here and we haven't had it near as bad as other states. We are supposed to be a full 10 degrees cooler starting tomorrow. I really hope it feels that way!

  11. Oh, Alison hon, how are you today? you know I love your house and I wish I was there, in this wonderful spot swinging myself and visiting you! Gorgeous garden and the little path and garden it's just so enchanting to see!! Love, FABBY

  12. I love that porch swing! ... the burst of azalea pink is a beautiful accent...

  13. Hi Alison! Oh, everything is just so pretty! Love that porch swing and hope you get some cool weather so you can enjoy it.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  14. Your back porch is splendid! What a great porch swing!

    Hope you will please drop by and enter my $50 Gift Card Giveaway!!

  15. Your porch, gardens and walkways look so pretty! It has definitely cooled down here. Too much so. I need a sweater on outside this evening! Oh well, we'll get a few more hot days I'm sure. So, I'm staying cool and hope you are too. Blessings,

  16. Alison, Your garden is so pretty and I love the wicker swing. No relief here in Virginia from the heat. It has been over 100 degrees for the last three days!

  17. Your yard is gorgeous. I love how you have such pretty little walks through the grounds. The porch is wonderful and the swing is fantastic. Such a great place to sit and relax. Also, Happy Birthday!!!! Hugs, Marty

  18. I envy your rainfall - we would be lucky to get that much all summer here in arid Colorado. I remember when my son was getting his doctorate at the U. of I. all of the beautiful hostas on campus. Yours are just as lush!! Sally

  19. Alison,
    Your gardens are lovely! Love your back porch and that swing is fabulous! In a perfect world with perfect weather, what a great place to spend time! I'm down in Statesboro, (southern Georgia), for the week and it's beyond hot! Thank goodness for my friend's fab pool! It's been 100 every day so far! Hope your cooler weather lasts for a while!

  20. Oh my dear your yard is so gorgeous....sorry about the heat you have been putting up with.
    My heart goes out to your friend who had to lay her angel to rest way too young. It just is not in the dynamic's of thing's for our children to die before us...I am so sorry.

  21. Oh my gosh I love your playlist of song's....the I hope you dance is my sister's favorite song and I love My wish by Rascall big brothter bought me a card with that song, it sit's in my top drawer in my bedroom and I play it when I need a lift....thank you for being you.

  22. Gorgeous Alison!! I love your stone pathway! Martina

  23. Our only relief doesn't come in the form of rain, but dust. A friend last week tried to convince me that dust is a blessing from God. It does help to bring down the scorching summer heat; if you think that from 120 to 110 is any better. :/ Your home and gardens are gloriously green and beautiful! I do love a front porch swing! Enjoy and have a great week. Tammy

  24. Alison, I am particularly partial to back porches and yours is exquisite! The gardens are gorgeous! I enjoyed seeing these images so very much.

    We had rain over the weekend and the temps are about 10 0r 12 degrees cooler. We were even able to have supper on our back porch last night. Welcomed relief from the heat!

  25. Just love seeing pics of The Polohouse. I LOVE that wreath with the polo mallets!

  26. What a great entrance to come home to. My favorite is your polo mallet wreath!

  27. so charming and welcoming, your porch. the porch swing is something on my dream list...such a sweet place to make memories.

    have a wonderful week.


  28. The heat wave has passed for you? Lucky! I'm afraid we may have a whole month left before it starts to cool down. My husband is enjoying the fact that the grass isn't growing with no rain though. ;o) Less yard work! :o)

    I love your porch swing. I think I've seen it in some of your pictures before. That's on my wish list! :o)

  29. Belated Happy Birthday, Alison! Your yard is looking so lush and beautiful. Every time I see your Impatiens I regret not putting any out this year. We don't have as much shade now because we had some trees taken out several years ago and I stopped buying Impatiens. Now I wish I had some in the pine island to brighten the shade.
    Love your Alberta spruce? in the pot with them.
    Hope you had a great birthday,

  30. Your garden is very pretty. I love the touch of whimsy with the bunny.

  31. Your wishes for rain worked! We just had a great rain storm that was much needed.
    If it would only cool things off for a while.
    Your porch looks so pretty and comfy. Love the swing!

  32. Oh so jealous of your rain and your green plants. We are so dry here in Texas and everything is brown! It is so sad and getting kind of scary. Thanks for sharing your lush lawn and plants. I'd almost forgotten what green plants look like!

  33. Alison, your grounds are gorgeous! We just got back from 3 days att the beach and couldn't go to the beach: way too hot, over 100 degrees! But we got in the pool for 2 days, thank goodness! Love your swing and bench. We got some rain so temps dropped a little here too! Stay cool and have a great week!!!!! XO, Pinky

  34. The images and color in your gardens are beautiful. As for that swing, I have always wanted one and now I am thinking I have to have one after seeing yours! I know where I would be if one were installed around here!!! Thanks for your inspiration!

  35. Hi Alison! Yes, the heat has really been something this summer. But your yard still looks lovely. Thanks for the photos of the planter you got from us! It looks fabulous. See you soon. xo

  36. Just beautiful, Alison! You got all that rain, and we got a 5 minute sprinkle. We did cool down a bit... I think we're down to a heat index of 95, instead of 110 :) Enjoy that gorgeous garden from your lovely porch swing!


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