

How this all started...

First Blog Entry
Starting date....February.19.2011

This is my first post for this blog. 
Not sure of how to do it, 
other than to just jump right in.
Where do I begin....hmmmmm.....?

Why The Polohouse? 
 That's where my family and I live. 
Our house used 
 to be a barn and stables 
for polo ponies and their caretakers 
and it was built in the 1930's. 
In the late 70's, 
the building was concerted 
into a single family home. 
It's the perfect place to raise a family -- 
casual and comfortable. 

I decided to create this blog in an effort 
to share my ideas and inspirations with all of you. 
I find myself spending hours (and hours) 
 scrolling through countless blogs 
of amazingly talented people 
doing incredible things 
with their homes and their lives. 
Many tough acts out there to even try to follow!

Not only do they inspire me 
to think out of the box, 
they encourage me to look at my "things" 
in new ways, finding special new purposes 
for old or forgotten items. 
In this world where recycling and reusing 
has become essential, it is most timely 
that we find new ways to up-cycle 
and re-purpose instead of discarding our belongings. 

Since I am a third generation 
antique collector and dealer, I love it that it has 
become trendier than ever to 
collect antiques and vintage items. 
I have an interior decorating business 
which is both good and bad as it makes me want 
to change out and rearrange things a LOT.

Thank you to all of you 
who have inspired me in ways you'll never know. 
Maybe now it's my turn?

Here we go. 
Time to jump in.....
join me, 
won't you?