

Monday, October 27, 2014

Europe to Celebrate and the Christmas Book is out!



Rimini on the Adriatic Sea
San Marino

A blurry but gorgeous Budapest

Nightfall in Zagreb

Hello friends!

I just returned from a wonderful
trip celebrating our 25th anniversary!

Had such a wonderful time seeing old friends
who live abroad and meeting new ones too.
We were gone for two weeks
and visited Italy, San Marino, 
Croatia, and Hungary.

Oh my heavens --- so much 
gorgeous architecture and history...
I am still on a high from all the visual inspiration.

Ok, now on to the next subject....

B  I  G    N  E  W  S 

While I was gone,
my friend and fellow blogger
artist/designer/writer/photographer --
the super talented

unveiled her holiday book
Creatively Christmas!

Last December
 you may remember 
 that I mentioned that someone came by
 and had spent the day shooting our holiday decor
here at the Polohouse
but --- 
it was a secret 
so I was not allowed 
to share who it was at that time.

It was mega-blogger Jen Rizzo!

Jen in action last December. 

She featured our home in her new book,
and since I was out of the country 
when the book came out

(I missed her unveiling party too. So sad about that, Jen!)

So I am popping in my car 
this morning
to go  buy a copy of the book
which is available at:

Barnes and Noble


and shops and boutiques
listed in detail on Jen's blog.

(I did get to see the proofs online
but I cannot wait to see it in hard copy.)

Congrats to Jen for this huge 
and amazing accomplishment!
So thrilled for you. 

Will post tomorrow with photos 
and more on this. 
Ok, I am off to the book store.



UPDATE: I am unable to get my hands
on a copy of the book! Cannot find it anywhere!
Hoping to get a copy on Saturday from Jen Rizzo
so until then --- stay tuned! :)

Here's to the next 25 years, honey!    :)

Rome at night


  1. Welcome home, Alison! Wonderful news about the book. I'm off to Barnes and Noble to get a copy.
    Look forward to more news and photos of your amazing trip. Wonderful way to celebrate your 25th. Congratulations!

  2. Happy 25th and what a way to celebrate!! Congrats on the book feature. I need to check it out.

  3. Wow and Wow!! Happy 25th wedding anniversary to you and your husband. What a fantastic trip for your celebration. And congratulations on being published in this book. I hope they have it available in Canada. All the best to you!

  4. Congratulations, Alison, on your 25th Anniversary! What an awesome way to celebrate! And a feature on top of that?! Awesome! You so deserve it! Congratulations, again!

  5. I guess Congratulations is in order on 2 fronts! Your wedding anniversary AND your home being featured in a book! How exciting is that. Enjoy

  6. Happy Anniversary!!! What a wonderful way to celebrate!!

  7. Welcome home. What a nice surprise to come home to -- finding that you are in a newly published book. Congratulations on that! I love your photos here. How wonderful that you were able to take a trip like that for your anniversary. xo Diana

  8. Happy 25th Anniversary and congratulations!!! I can't wait to check out the book :o)

  9. Happy Anniversary, Alison! What a wonderful way to celebrate. I look forward to a few details about the beauty of each of the places you visited in future posts. :-)
    Congratulations on the Christmas Book, you home is one of my all time favorite Christmas houses and the book will be added to my list.

  10. Dear Alison Happy Anniversary and many more to come. What an amazing trip. Plus congratulations on the Christmas Book, I cannot wait to see it!

    The Arts by Karena

  11. what an incredible way to celebrate 25 and promise another 25!

  12. Wonderful news about the book! Congratulations on your anniversary! A nice way to celebrate.

  13. Congratulations on your anniversary and your book!



  14. Happy Anniversary, Alison! The trip looks fantastic! Congratulations on the book feature! I haven't found it yet either, but can't wait to get it!

  15. Oh what a wonderful trip you've had! Great inspiration here and congratulations on being published. I can't wait to see the magazine. Love the photos of you and your husband, Happy Anniversary. Look forward to more of your travel snaps...........Oh how I love those hutches......

  16. Congratulations on your anniversary, Alison!!! I can't wait to see your fabulous home in Jen's book.

  17. Congratulations on your 25th Anniversary...Looks like a magnificent trip!!....and congrats on being part of that wonderful book!!

  18. Happy Anniversary and congrats to Jen. I will look this week at Costco .


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