

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Winter Wonderland

Tired of the cold
but love the snow.

What's happening in your part of the world?

Are you living in a snowglobe too?


Stay warm, friends!


  1. This isn't snowman snow. I have no use for it. I am pining for Spring!



  2. It was beautiful and warm in Colorado today; but I preferred to stay inside on Pinterest -- checked out your boards -- enjoyable! Sally

  3. Definitely a winter wonderland for you. We had snow here in the early morning hours yesterday. Not enough to make a winter scene such as yours. Today was sunny and warm. Stay warm, Alison.

  4. Gorgeous pictures!! We have snow on the ground from December but haven't had any fresh falls this month other than maybe an inch. But, it's been really really cold!! Stay warm and cozy Alison. Spring can't come soon enough and for us it's still months away!

  5. For once the snow missed us this time. But hold on tomorrow it is suppose to be high in the 50's and drop to single temps..come on!
    I do want spring to come even though I normally love snow.

  6. Beautiful photos . . . I love the cardinals at the feeder and the frosty, snowy tree lined lane is wonderful . . . honestly, all the photos are lovely . . .

    Right here in Western Michigan along the shore line we have snow, wind, freezing temperatures, then a few hours of sun, then blizzard conditions and then it repeats itself all over again. The temperatures are dropping and it is snowing . . . again. No wind tonight though..

  7. Well- The same thing is happening here as I see in your pictures there. EXCEPT- Add howling winds that never quit! xo Diana

  8. Cold and snowy here too your photos!!

  9. Alison,
    I wish we could have a day or two of the beauty in some of your images. We're unseasonably warm here in SoCal. It was 77 degrees today.
    Beautiful winter wonderland images. I love the fox.
    Hope you are having a great weekend.

  10. palm trees and white sand would make this girl happy right now. i struggle every january and have to fight through it!



  11. Allison, I love all of your winter wonderland images, especially the little fox.

    Although I love snow and winter the frigid temps are getting me a little down this year.

    I hope that you have a great weekend!

    P.S. Have you been to the Outpost General Store in Wayne, Il I think you might enjoy it

  12. What an amazing and gorgeous Winter's wonderland! Right now I'm visiting my daughter and it's 88 degrees here in Guayaquil-Ecuador. Where I live is 70 and lovely; but hey, I'm a Newyorker so I know and loved the four seasons, so just stand it, it'll be over before you realize it, time just flies! Love those images!

  13. Loving the photos... Snow can be so peaceful and makes everything quiet down... We have plenty of it in Calgary((:
    I adore all seasons... Hugs z

  14. Snow, extreme cold, wind. It's OK if you don't have to go out in it or aren't responsible for making decisions that affect others....

    Your photos are gorgeous.

  15. What beautiful pictures if you are INSIDE!!! Which is the only place I want to be this winter...way way too cold over here. Its been extreme and I am not loving it, but admittedly it is a beautiful sight to see everything snow covered. STAY WARM!

  16. Every picture is exquisite! A true winter wonderland!!! We got about 2-3 more inches of snow yesterday. Still VERY cold too. I am OVER it, and am pining for Spring!!! One question: did you sign up for an e-mail notification when I do a post? I have realized that noone is getting them and I have no idea how to fix that. Just curious. Thanks!!!

  17. Is that the fox that always comes and taunts my dogs.. that little rascal!!! Looks just like him, love this post!!

  18. Same as you, Alison,here in downstate Illinois! The actual air temp on Tues am is suppose to be -18, good grief!
    Hey, have you visited my new blog? Please do, here is the link!

  19. Yes I'm living in a snow globe! lol It’s snowing right now and there must be a foot already on the ground.

  20. It' s freezing cold and snowy here in Sweden as well! Caroline

  21. no snow here, instead we are going through unusually warm weather and drought conditions. Our lack of rain has become very serious, especially for agriculture. This has been a very difficult winter for the whole continental USA it seems. The snow is so beautiful.

  22. I love the snow too. Beautiful pictures.

  23. So peaceful, reminds me of here in southern chester county. Woods, barns, and snow!

    Euro-Chic Soaps, Lotions and Bath Bombs

  24. Beautiful collection of photos! My favorite is the fox - I've stopped back several times just to look at that little face. Thank you for sharing, foxes are a rare sight in Texas.


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