

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Christmas tree stands


If you put up a Christmas tree this year,
will you stand your tree 
in something special?

Midwest Living

A basket?
A bucket?
A wooden box
or a crate?

Tell me
what is the most creative
container you
have ever seen
a tree placed in?






  1. Hi Alison, I would love a big galvanized tub for my tree...someday I'll find a bargain. This year I have a crock that I'll use for a small tree near the fireplace. First some time to clear the decks of Autumn decorations. Thanks for he inspiration. Love, Penny

  2. I've been eyeing the wicker basket stand for a while. The galvanized tub also seems like it would be great, as it will catch any water spills.
    Thinking of you and your upcoming time with Ms. Broten! ~Delores

  3. So many great choices - I use the standard stand and hide it with a skirt, but these have me the basket!!

  4. some really clever ideas!!!

  5. So many creative tree stands!...I have one in an old wagon...a teeny kitchen tree in a colander. I need to come up with more creative tree stands as the ones you showcased are wonderful!!

  6. i am repinning some of your ideas, especially love the green picnic tin

    for this years christmas house tour we are putting a tree on each side of a fireplace and they will be in 4' tall french wine caddies; wooden with barrel rings....wish me luck!

  7. I knew Shirley and I were kindred souls. I had a tree in a red Radio Flyer for the grands.
    I loved the one in the galvanized tub. It looks like it is on a pram chassis.
    Great inspiritation!
    Hugs, Ginger

  8. I'm with Debra, I'm repinning some of these, they are great. I even like the little silver urn with berries and greens. I've had a fake tree for several years now...I know, the shame of it. Our Noble Fir trees were always dry and a serious fire hazard by Christmas (blame forced air heating and Southern California santa ana winds). I swore I'd never do it but you know what? It's so easy. I now buy live greens to keep the scent going.
    Fun post, Alison.

  9. Our artificial tree has been set in concrete in a large black urn for the past 3 years. Hubs is reminded I told him he was using too much concrete in it......every year!! He has to use a dolly to transport the thing from the basement...outside and around the house. Men!!

  10. They are all wonderful. I have a galvanized tub I'm hoping to use this year. Plus that would keep any splashes off my tree skirt.


  11. We HAVE to put our tree in an urn so the cats can't get a foot hold!
    We have a huge Anduze urn that we put our live tree in. We have to rig it with a bucket and bricks and lots of rope so...the cats, you know!
    My brother used to hang his tree upside down with an eye hook, from the ceiling!

    Hoping you are well...



  12. Alison, these are great! I love to see trees in urns! Maybe it's because I collect!


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