

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Your Favorite Rooms....

Don't forget,
this Saturday is
 Favorites on the First
and we are sharing
our favorite room.

But don't let the word 
restrict your entry.
It could be a hallway,
or a screened porch,
or your studio 
or garden room,

The sky's the limit!
Just be sure to share
the space you love
or love to spend time in
in your home.

Can't wait to see
what you come up with.

See you on Saturday!


(NOTE: All images from Pinterest)

Feel free to take this button and share!


  1. Alison, these are wonderful rooms! I like to spend time in any of these. Hope to have a post up and ready for Saturday. We have house guests arriving tomorrow, so will do my best........Sarah

  2. Can we do an older post? I USED to love my living room, before it was "staged". LOL!!! XO, Pinky

  3. These ARE wonderful rooms - I especially like the reading corner...Give me books and a leather chair, and I'm good for hours on end!

  4. Hi Alison, I popped in to see the theme of this month's party. Do you mind if we share an older post? I enjoyed seeing these photos of such beautiful rooms.

  5. This looks like fun! I would love to join in but not sure if we will be here, if we are I wll otherwise next time!

  6. So many images I have never seen before - don't you love pinterest?

    - Holly

  7. Hi Alison,
    What gorgeous inspiration!!! I love all of the horse pictures throughout the home.
    I'll have to try and link up with your party this week.
    Hope you have a lovely day.

  8. hi alison.

    great party idea!

    come visit soon.


  9. Hi Alison, I will see you Saturday. I will be posting a previous post. Thank you so much for hosting.
    Please come by to see my latest post. I thought about when I was researching the horses,Kelpies.
    Blessings, Ginger

  10. I meant to say, I thought about YOU when I posted the horses. Hugs,

  11. Hi Stranger!!

    Out of hospital and back to posting and catching up. You are one of my faves and the rooms you posted from Pinterest are amazingly beautiful. That kitchen a dream!! I will try tomorrow to share one of my favorite "rooms" which happens to be an outside room that is the eptome of relaxation. I will do my best!


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