

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Favorites on the First: Vacation Spots

Chateau De Chillon Castle Montreux Switzerland
Chateau Chillon on Lake Geneva, Switzerland

Oh my heavens,
I completely forgot
that it was July 1st
and that
the newest edition of
Favorites on the First
was scheduled 
for sharing

Favorite Vacation Spots!

Pont du Gard - ancient Roman aqueduct in France

Thank you Kathleen,
Ricki Jill, and Ginger
 for the sweet nudges
that reminded me!


Interior shot of Notre Dame Cathedral

I am swamped at work
and I am 
completely behind
with little time left 
for blogging, 
so please, please
forgive me!

You would have thought 
that I would have remembered 
on Sunday, 
but instead I was
picking up my 
sweet daughter
at the airport. 

Lake Geneva, Switzerland

She has been in 
France and Switzerland
 for two weeks with her
French class and that has thrown me
completely OFF
this past weekend! 

Gruyere, Switzerland

Catching up
with her and seeing her
photos and mementos
have sparked
my memory on this month's
Favorites on the First,
but no!
(Too much on my plate.)

Lucerne, Switzerland

I decided to share her trip
photos with all of you.
She had the time of her life!
Cannot imagine why.

Mont Saint-Michel

Have been to France a few times
and I can easily say it is one of
my most FAVORITE vacation
destinations too.

Here she is with a classmate/friend trying to hide her happiness!

Chateau de Chenonceau, Vallee de la Loire 

The bridge at Chenonceau.

Please link your
post on your favorite
vacation spot below.

Thanks for your patience!


File:Loire Indre Tours2 tango7174.jpg
Tours, France

The Nice coastline

Looking down on Monte Carlo

Au revoir! 


  1. OMG! Alison, these photos are fantastic! What a wonderful gift for your daughter. Not many teenagers have the chance to visit Europe in such grand style. Although I've been to France also, somehow I missed these wonderful spots. Thank you for sharing such gorgeousness!

  2. Gorgeous Alison! So excited to visit France. I adore Italy the Greek Isles and Switzerland!

    Art by Karena

  3. I'm sure France would be one of my favorite vacation spots. I only spent a few hours in the Paris airport waiting for the next leg of a trip to Burkina Faso!

    I'd sure plan THAT trip differently if I could have a "do-over"!

  4. This post makes me want to hop on a plane......just beautiful. Of course I LOVE France but have to say Italy is a super close second and Switzerland was quite amazing as each and every picture. Lucky girls!

  5. Other than just "passing through" Switzerland on the Orient Express, I have not been there in the summer...only winter. Your photos are stunning, Alison, and I want to thank you for hosting!

  6. Ready to take of to Nice after seeing the photographs, although staying on the lake in Switzerland would be even better I think. Such an amazing view of the mountains.

  7. Oh- well- you did catch it before the month was OVER! It sounds/looks like your daughter had a wonderful time.

    Enjoy your summer, Alison, it flies by way too fast. You can catch up blogging when work and life slow down- xo Diana

  8. Looks like she had a wonderful trip. How lucky she is to have had such a great experience.

    I am linking a post from last month since I had done that vacation post so recently.

  9. Beautiful pics! Thanks for hosting and happy 4th!

  10. Alison, I am so glad you are OK! I was truly worried.
    Your daughter is so beautiful. How blessed she is ito have taken this wonderful trip. I love her photos. The landscape in Provence could be a Monet.
    Everyone understands the stresses of "real life" take precedence over blogging, as it should. You just take care of youself and your sweet family.
    Have a fabulous 4th! Ginger:)

  11. Alison, I'm so excited to hear your daughter had this travel experience. Wonderful photos of some of my favorite places in France.
    Glad to know all is well. I was concerned when you didn't post. ;-)
    Life keeps us all busy. Hope you have a sparkly 4th of July. ~ Sarah

  12. Oh How awesome, what a wonderful experience for your daughter. Great pictures too! I hope to visit some day, my husband will have to drug me to get me on the plane though!
    Have a happy 4th!

  13. the photos are breathtaking! i linked up my post that just aired about a fun weekend in chicago, but my favorite vacation spot is oahu's north shore! must go soon!

    smiles to you, beautiful blogger.


  14. Alison,
    What an amazing post...your daughter's pictures are wonderful, looks like she had great weather while visiting.
    I haven't posted about a vacation in so long, I'll skip linking up but I do enjoy seeing other's vacation photos.
    Have a fun holiday.

  15. I have not done a post on vacations so I'll just tell 'ya my favorite spot..... I used to think it was the ocean, but the older I've gotten I have concluded it's anyplace to get away from it all. If it involves very little cooking and cleaning it's my fav.


  16. Beautiful pictures of France and Switzerland, two of my favorite places to visit. Such a wonderful opportunity for your daughter:)Thanks for hosting,Alison.Happy 4th!Hugs,Poppy

  17. Hello Alison,
    These pictures are wonderful. When Jess visited Switzerland, she said she could hardly believe her eyes = everything was so green and groomed. It looked like a fairytale. Please tell your daughter these pictures are beautiful!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  18. Oh my, what an amazingly beautiful vacation!!~
    These photos are simply stunning!!
    Hope you have a lovely weekend!!

  19. Thanks for sharing, what beautiful pictures. A trip she will treasure for a lifetime! My favorite place to have visited was Gothenburg, Sweden. We got to go last November, it is a beautiful city. It was a special trip because my great grandfather was from Sweden and I have always wanted to see it.

  20. Absolutely stunning photos of a truly beautiful place!

  21. Just catching up on your posts. Great seeing these places especially Nice where I was born and Lake Geneva where my niece now lives. I hope to get there someday but like you so swamped these days can't seem to have time for much. Thanks for the virtual vacation.
    Enjoy your time with your daughter now that she's back.



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