

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So sorry....

I am so sorry
that I have not been 
around to visit 
your lovely blog ...
 to see what you have 
been up to lately.

I am also sorry
that I have not had time
to return your comments.

That makes me feel really bad.

My design job has 
kicked into high gear for the
last four or five weeks
 and we have been
trying to get things ordered 
and in place before school
is out and our kids 
are home again!

You know how that goes,
once summer starts ---
all your inside projects
get put on hold.
We don't want that
to happen so we
have been on a roll.

Which means everything
else has been put on hold
or pushed to the
"back burner"
as they say.

So I just wanted to tell
you that this is temporary
and I will be back soon.

Hanging in there!
Taking one day at a time.

Thinking of you
in the meantime.

Some pics of the green
yard and new spring growth
to share with you


What has spring done in your yard this month?


  1. Hang in there, Alison! We all have times like that in our lives...and it always seems to settle back into some semblance of normalcy at some point...well, unless you are like me- I am still searching for normal.

    Your photos are lovely-you haven't lost your touch! xo Diana

  2. Glad you are ok. Life often gets busy and we have to put blogging aside for a bit.
    See you when you get back!

  3. Beautiful photos, Alison! You are living your life...just as you should be...we understand! Have fun with that job! XO

  4. Alison: I have missed your posts and was only hoping all was ok. Glad to hear it is just part of being normal and living life. Our blogs take up a great deal of our time and I know sometimes a break must be taken (and I am still working full time in the design field . . .I get it!) Actually, I am going into RUSH on Friday for surgery and will be OFF cyberspace for a couple of weeks. So to life, to inconveniences and to health . . . I look forward to your return and mine as well!!
    Mary Anne ox

  5. Alison, life has a way of taking us where it will. Glad that your design business is full steam ahead. That's a good thing! Your spring greens look lovely. My garden is happy after recent rains. My geraniums are blooming again. Looking forward to June 1st and a look at everyone's garden.
    Take care ~ Sarah

  6. Gotta do, what ya gotta do. The blog, and your audience will be here when you're ready. Life first.

  7. May is such a busy time for everyone! Good luck with your projects! Your garden pictures are very fine.

  8. Sounds like all good things though, Alison. Latley my life feels crazy too....I keep saying there just arent' enough hours in the day. So hoping summer will bring some relaxation and down time! Best of luck with finishing up your project!

  9. Of course you are missed....but I'm happy you have design jobs to keep you busy :)

    Your yard and spring "green" is as charming as the interior of your home. Enjoy it!

    Our iris are fading fast. They've been so beautiful this year....the white roses are outdoing themselves, and we're waiting for the clematis vines to be covered with blooms.

  10. Your gardens look lovely, Alison! Real life comes first.

  11. Very pretty landscape! We all have to live life in addition to blogging and sometimes there's just not enough time. I'm about to take a break in a few days myself, as I usually do in the summer. With kids at home, it's important we spend as much time as we can with them. We'll never get this time back but blogging will always be here.
    Have a great day!

  12. Hi Alison,

    I enjoyed seeing your beautiful pictures.
    Have fun with your job. We will be here when you return :)


  13. No worries Alison, we all have times like these! Your yard looks BEAUTIFUL!! Great pics!

  14. Hi Alison! It is nice to see your post as you are missed! Your gardens look lovely. It's a busy time of year outside and the inside does get neglected. We've been battling dandelions here! What a crop this year!! Blessings, Pamela

  15. Your yard is looking wonderful!

  16. Sometimes we just have to be absent for a little while. Being busy in your business is a good thing. Your gardens are looking lovely……..Miss you.

    The French Hutch

  17. I mentioned this to another blogger too........ I don't notice when my blog buddy's don't leave a comment, only when they do!


  18. Alison...your home and gardens are so phenomenally gorgeous...First things first, just take care of what is important and everything else will fall into place...Even though we miss you, we know you will be back and I shall very patiently wait...until then, have fun with your projects...I am sure they are very exciting and your clients are happy to have you and your talents!

  19. No worries! We understand! I find blogging can create self appointed stress. I put demands on myself that don't always make sense. Especially at busy times like this! We'll be here when you return!

  20. No worries, Alison. Glad to hear your project is moving along. Spring and early summer are such a busy time with yard work. Your photos are beautiful.

  21. Alison,
    You are so sweet, as a faithful reader and blog friend, I totally understand and know how life can sometimes get crazy. I'll be here when things settle down and as always looking forward to 'catching up' with what's going on. Meanwhile, thanks for the lovely pictures. Your yard looks wonderful.

  22. I am so glad you HAVE a job. My son is an interior designer too and can not find a job right now and is really struggling. We miss you but will be here when you get back. XO, Pinky

  23. Don't worry about us Alison. We will still be here when you have a chance to take a break from work...

  24. Hugs Alison...not to worry, we're here for ya! We all understand that work and family come first. Glad your design job is taking off! How exciting!
    Take care,

  25. Thanks so much for the beautiful images. Congrats on your busy business! That's a nice problem to have! :) N.G.

  26. Hi! Alison,

    Congrats! on the design business going full swing ;o)I'm thrilled for you.

    No worries about being busy. Life has a way of keeping us occupied. lol

    You did an amazing job on your landscaping. Looks beautiful!
    Thanks! for sharing, Alison.

    Have a great weekend and enjoy! this fab weather. Take care!

    Blessings & Hugs,


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today and always.