

Friday, February 10, 2012

Be Mine

Last year,
when I started blogging
in late February,
I had missed 
Valentine's Day.

For those who know me,
they know it's my favorite holiday!
(Or should I say favorite non-religious holiday?)

I have always loved 
Valentine's Day.
My parents made 
a big deal of it every year
for my sisters and me.

(Will post on those memories later this week.)

But I think I love it because:
I am a mush-ball,
a hopeless romantic,
a sentimental crying machine
I love the sentiment behind the day.
Tell someone you love them!

Too bad it can't be 
Valentine's Day every day.

This little celluloid Japanese toy couple cracks me up. They have magnets in their bobble heads.... though she tries to be coy and play hard to get....

... he just lays a big old smackeroo on her when he gets too close!! 

This is a crank and play musical wooden box/card that plays "Let me tell you sweetheart..."
and I am the third Valentine to own this piece.

You can see my husband signed it at the top! How did any of those other women ever let this go???

Do you collect old or vintage
Valentines too?

Will share my most cherished wooden heart with you next time!

Thanks so much for dropping by.
What do you have planned
for Valentine's Day?


  1. Beautiful old valentines. Love them!

  2. I don't have any vintage Valentines, but would love to start collecting them!

  3. You have a great collection of Valentines. I found myself looking at them to see if I remembered them. I have a lame, very lame frame with some old ones all scattered around in it. It looks like hell really. I think I'll fetch it tomorrow and see what I can do with it.


  4. I love old valentines. I only have a few and none as amazing as yours. I love love love that one your Husband gave you! hugs, Linda

  5. What a fabulous collection you have...I love those cute little bobble heads...they are just precious!
    Have a great weekend :o)

  6. Alison, I don't really have any vintage valentines, but I do have a sweet vintage paper valentine fan. Actually I have a pair of these. I've had them for over 30 years and they were vintage when they came to me.
    Can't wait to hear about your cherished wooden heart. It looks really special!
    And love the music box card. How unique! But the best part is that it has been shared through the years with various valentines. I love that idea! I wish my husband were more sentimental and romantic. He can be, and I absolutely adore it when he does something totally unexpected and romantic.
    Thanks for sharing. I look forward to seeing more of your valentine things. ~ Sarah

  7. Alison, this was such a sweet post! I don't have any vintage Valentines; but yours look so adorable!

  8. Lovely vintage valentines! Thanks for sharing your collection!! Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. You have a great collection of Valentine cards. I have an inherited collection of cards from the 1910's and 20's that I love to display.

  10. What a nice collection! I have 4 old valentines from an elderly neighbor who passed away~so they were Evelyn's valentines...and since she was a spinster, it makes me wistful for her in a lost love kind of way...

  11. You have such a great collection, Alison! I remember loving Valentine's Day when I was a kid; making little mailboxes out of a shoebox and we'd have them on our desks to receive our Valentine's. I used to make more of a big deal out of it when my kids were growing up. Now grown, I do continue giving them cards and have added my granddaughter to that. Hubby always gets a card and a box of the chocolate covered cherries he likes!

  12. Happy Valentines day! You have some great cards and some candy boxes too!

  13. Alison,
    what a wonderful collection of valentines you have, the first one is my fav! Just went back and read thru some previous posts to get caught up on ones I've missed, the one about thanking our troops was very special cuz both my boys were and are in, oldest is now out, youngest has 4 more mos before his 5yrs are up. He got back from Afganistan at Christmas. Both of them have experienced people coming up to them and telling them thanks for what they are doing. They were both quite surprised that someone would actually do that. It really ment a lot to each of them. I have the same problem as you, get to emotional, but do try to hold it together and thank them when I can!

  14. I have old family vintage valentines. Your collection is fun, especially the magnetic kissing couple!

  15. What a beautiful collection of vintage Valentines and Valentine items..beautiful sentiments of "days gone by" them all.

  16. What a great tradition...passing along the crank and play Valentine. I love old Valentines.

  17. Alison, where did you get such a collection of old Valentines. The are so beautiful. I can really tell you cherish Valentines Day. It is a "sweetheart" of a day.

  18. Hi Alison!,
    You are a collecting crazy woman! A good-crazy of course! Your Valentine's really are adorable, but where do you keep them? Maybe you have one of those wonderful Midwestern basements! I could use one or two of those!

  19. How sweet! It made me feel like a kid again to see all the beautiful Valentines, given in earnest.
    I don't collect Valentines, however I do collect silver flaming heart milagros. I keep them on a small Christmas tree that I display all year. It makes me happy to be around them. I should create a post around them, come to think of it!


  20. Such beautiful old valentines! The only valentines I collect are the ones my husband makes for me each year. When we first started dating a million years ago, I told him the only thing I wanted for Valentine's day was a handmade card. He's made one every year since. I just like the idea that he spends an hour with scissors and glue thinking about me each year.

    This year we're planning to do the same thing we did last year - a day of antiquing.

  21. Absolutely beautiful post . . . I agree, how could one let go of a "love gift" unless it was because of death. Such a treasure for you to receive from your husband, signed and delivered too!

    I have saved most all of the cards I have received from my parents, my husband who died in 1980, my children, grandchildren and friends. I also collect holiday memorabilia, especially old post cards.

    I enjoyed this SWEET Valentine post very much.
    Thank you,
    Love, Lynne

  22. These are wonderful...yes, I have some vintage valentines too but not nearly as many as you do. What tickled me the most were the little reds Keds, I remember when my children wore them. Too cute!

  23. What a beautiful collection of Valentine's you have! I am wondering why I don't collect old or vintage
    Valentines too ;o) I love them!

  24. You have some of the most beautiful vintage Valentines that I've ever seen! I have a few of my hubby's! His mother saved them...thank goodness! ♥♥♥

  25. Somehow I missed this post. Glad I scrolled down from the one above it. You have a beautiful Valentine collection! Pamela


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